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Публікація Improvement of the method for optimal s-boxes generation(ХНУРЭ, 2008) Rodinko, M. Yu.; Oliynykov, R. V.; Hrinenko, T. O.The known method of high nonlinear S-boxes generation based on the gradient descent requires a consecutive application of several criteria for each formed substitution. This paper presents improvement of the considered method by the appropriate selection of the criteria application order which decreases the required computation power for S-box generation. The proposed modification allows generation of a byte substitution with nonlinearity 104, algebraic immunity 3 and 8-uniformity within approximately 30 minutes of a single PC running time.Публікація Wide trail strategy without separable codes(ХНУРЭ, 2015) Rodinko, M. Yu.; Lisitskiy, K. E.Implementation of the wide trail strategy within a single transformation without separation into linear and nonlinear parts is proposed. This possibility consists in the procedure of a consistent activation of Sboxes of the round function one by one by using managed substitutions. It is shown that the proposed transformation is completely identical to the original transformation of Rijndael on its differential and linear properties. The proposed construction allows obtaining maximum branch number. It means that one S-box input activates the subsequent S-boxes of transformation.