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Публікація A Theoretical Interpretation for the Study of Images Processing(IJARCSMS, 2015) Putyatin, Y.; Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad Ayaz Ahmad; Lyubchenko, V.; N. Ameer AhmadIn the present article and attempt has been made for the study of image processing, which is an important issue in various systems based on the electronic data analysis. This is also necessary for mankind in the age of modern technology, because it is essential to note systems of computer vision which render the indispensable help to the person in various situations and processes demanding special attention and also speed in decision-making. At the same time among variety of different methods and approaches for image processing it is necessary to allocate methodology of image normalization. The essence of such methodology of image processing consists in indemnification of different geometrical distortions of the input image which have been received a result of registration of the investigated image and its presentation on an input of system of the data analysis, in comparison with some reference picture. On the basis of such approach the work considers geometrical interpretation of the analyzed image of object as a basis of use of the device of the group theory.Публікація Contour detection and allocation for cytological images using Wavelet analysis methodology(ijarcsms, 2016) Lyashenko, V.; Matarneh, R.; Kobylin, O.; Putyatin, Y.Image analysis is one of most powerful tools in various research fields. In the same context, processing of microscopic images in medicine has high priority research area, this is because such studies allow conducting comprehensive diagnosis of human health state, identifying and preventing the development of diseases in the early stages and providing additional research in non-standard symptomatic forms of rare diseases. To overcome analyzing and processing complexities of microscopic images the feasibility of using wavelet analysis methodology had been considered with a high attention to the effect of wavelet transform scaling which is used to detect contours of objects in the image. The new approach showed that the effectiveness of contour detection is largely depends on wavelet transform scaling to identify gaps in the wavelet decomposition of the investigated images.Публікація The Pre-Processing of Images Technique for the Material Samples in the Study of Natural Polymer Composites(AJER, 2016) Putyatin, Y.; Mohammad, A.; Lyashenko, V.; Khan, A.The image processing analysis is one of the most powerful tool in various research fields, especially in material / polymer science. Therefore in the present article an attempt has been made for study of pre-processing of images technique of the material samples during the images taken out by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). First we prepared the material samples with coir fibre (natural) and its polymer composite after that the image analysis has been performed by SEM technique and later on the said studies have been conducted. The results presented here were found satisfactory and also are in good agreement with our earlier work and some other worker in the same field.