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Публікація Application of network technologies for development of medical data-advisory clinic “MED-HEALTH”(International Journal "Information Theories & Applications", 2007) Bykh, A. I.; Visotska, E.; Zhemchuzhkina, T.; Porvan, A.; Zhook, A.In this article the medical data-advisory web-resource developed by authors is considered. This resource allows carrying out information interchange between consumers of medical services and the medical establishments which give these services, and firms-manufacturers of medical equipment and medicaments. Main sections of this web-site, their purposes and capabilities are considered in this article.Публікація Control over grape yield in the north-eastern region of Ukraine using mathematical modeling(2017) Shulika, В.; Vysotska, O.; Porvan, A.; Nekos, A.; Zhemerov, А.In the practical cultivation of cultures, including grapes, prediction is an inherent attribute, since, under weather actions, it is possible to immediately take measures before one or another degree of the vegetation of culture is affected. In order to develop mathematical software of an information system for determining the probability of reduction in the yield of grapes, we observed the annual variation in temperatures. Moreover, to manage this process, its comparison was conducted with the development of grapevine by the phases of its development for 16 years. By employing the method of binary logistic regression, we revealed three most significant indicators (radiation background, the sum of efficient temperatures during flowering, annual total precipitation in the previous year), which were included into the mathematical model developed. The results obtained make it possible to estimate the risk of reduction in the harvest of grapes, which is grown under conditions of the Northeastern forest-steppe region of Ukraine (Kharkiv region). The developed model as a whole and its separate coefficients are statistically significant. It is also established that all the predictors, in accordance with the chi-squared test, impact the prediction of reduction in the yield of grape. The obtained results might be used when making a decision about the need of change in the agrotechnical methods for the purpose of improving productivity by changing the course of specific phases in the vegetation of grape. На підставі встановленого взамозв'язку між основними метеорологічними показниками та врожаєм виноградної культури було розроблено математичне забезпечення інформаційної системи для управління врожайністю. Таке управління дозволяє впливати на агротехнічні заходи з метою збільшення врожайності, шляхом зміни протікання певних фаз вегетації винограду. На основании установленной взаимосвязи между основными метеорологическими показателями и урожаем виноградной культуры было разработано математическое обеспечение информационной системы для управления урожайностью. Такое управление позволяет влиять на агротехнические мероприятия с целью увеличения урожайности, путем изменения протекания определенных фаз вегетации виноградаПублікація Developing a method for prediction of relapsing myocardial infarction based on interpolation diagnostic polynomial(2016) Yakubovska, S.; Vysotska, O.; Porvan, A.; Yelchaninov, D.; Linnyk, Е.In this paper, based on the estimations of expert opinions of the persons who make decisions, we determined a set of criteria for evaluation of the states of patients and of the classes of possible states for predicting the relapsing myocardial infarction. We propose a method for predicting the relapsing myocardial infarction on the basis of the designed interpolation diagnostic polynomial to determine the probability of occurence of the relapsing myocardial infarction. The developed method is based on the methodology of verbal decision analysis. This method makes it possible, taking into account the totality of attributes of disease, their combination and mutual effect, to increase the accuracy of prediction by 2,7 % (in comparison to the method-prototype). This provides a possibility to prevent the relapse of disease and sudden coronary death. The proposed method is of practical interest and may be applied for the diagnosis and prediction of development of other human cardiovascular system diseases. Представлено метод прогнозування рецидивуючого інфаркту міокарда (РІМ) на основі розробленого інтерполяційного діагностичного полінома для визначення можливості виникнення і результату РІМ. Розроблений метод базується на методології вербального аналізу рішень і дозволяє, з урахуванням сукупності ознак захворювання, їх комбінації і взаємовпливу, підвищити точність прогнозу на 2,7 % (у порівнянні з методом-прототипом), що надає можливість попередити рецидив і раптову коронарну смерть. Запропонований метод становить практичний інтерес і може бути використаний для діагностики та прогнозування розвитку інших захворювань серцево-судинної системи людини. Представлен метод прогнозирования рецидивирующего инфаркта миокарда (РИМ) на основе разработанного интерполяционного диагностического полинома для определения возможности возникновения и исхода РИМ. Разработанный метод базируется на методологии вербального анализа решений и позволяет, с учетом совокупности признаков заболевания, их комбинации и взаимовлияния, повысить точность прогноза на 2,7 % (по сравнению с методом-прототипом), что дает возможность предупредить рецидив и внезапную коронарную смерть. Предложенный метод представляет практический интерес и может быть использован для диагностики и прогнозирования развития других заболеваний сердечно-сосудистой системы человека.Публікація Development of a spatial-dynamical model of the structure of toxic cyanobacteria clusters for biosecurity purposes(2018) Шеховцова, В. І.; Vysotska, O.; Georgiyants, M.; Nosov, K.; Balym, Yu.; Pecherska, A.; Porvan, A.; Pavlov, S.; Shekhovtsova, V.; Klochko, T.; Solodovnikov, A.We have devised a spatialdynamic model that describes the structure of clusters of toxic cyanobacteria over large water areas. The application of the constructed model has been demonstrated in order to identify the structure of a cluster in digital photographs. The character of bioproductive processes that define the risk of accumulation of toxic microorganisms is determined by a series of parameters that can be measured remotely using aerospace methods (taking photographs). The proposed model, based on a digital image, makes it possible to restore the spatialdynamic pattern of clusters by determining the state of bioproductive processes in different parts of the cluster. Information about such states is of great importance in order to optimize measures for eliminating the threat of toxicity.Публікація Development of an approach to mathematical description of imbalance in methabolic processes for its application in the medical diagnostic information system(Eastern european jornal of enterprise technologies, 2018) Dobrorodnia, H.; Vуsotska, O.; Georgiyants, M.; Balym, Y.; Rak, L.; Kolesnikova, O.; Levykin, V.; Dovnar, O.; Nosov, K.; Porvan, A.The problem of diagnosing the metabolic syndrome associated with disturbance of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism was considered in this work. A new approach to determination of imbalance of metabolic processes was proposed. It is based on combining of the flow cultivator and the Lotka-Volterra models. Application of the model of flow cultivator provides an opportunity for objective assessment of initial conditions of behavior of the system acting as a human body and enables time matching of the model basic parameters. Initial conditions for modeling metabolic processes were determined using the Lotka-Volterra model. Use of these conditions makes it possible to determine stability of metabolic processes taking into account individual values of waist and hip circumference, weight, heart rate, age, systolic and diastolic pressure and the calculated Harris-Benedict value. Cross-checking for a possible development of metabolic processes in people with normal and impaired metabolism has shown that the developed approach can be used in medical institutions for the early diagnosis of metabolic disorders. To establish balance of the metabolic processes that are characteristic of people without and with metabolic disorders, retrospective data of examination of 155 young people who were under observation for several years at Kharkiv municipal clinical hospital No. 11, Ukraine, have been analyzed. The proposed approach is the basis of mathematical support of the medical diagnostic information system for detecting imbalance of metabolic processes which is developed currently. Application of such a system in the future will make it possible to study in detail the influence of various gender, territorial and age characteristics on the balance of metabolic processes in the human body.Публікація Development of the descriptive binary model and its application for identification of clumps of toxic cyanobacteria(2017) Nosov, K.; Zholtkevych, G.; Georgiyants, M.; Vysotska, O.; Balym, Yu.; Porvan, A.In the paper, a descriptive model of system dynamics for binary data is presented. Binary or dichotomous data are widely spread across various fields of research - in decision making and data mining, marketing, solving of many natural, social and technical problems. The initial data for building the model is a set of states of an autonomous dynamical system with components taking binary values. At the same time, the time order of the states is permissible. The following objectives were stated: to identify the relationships between the components of the system defining its dynamics; on the basis of the identified dynamics, to recover the true order of the system states; to apply the developed model to the problem of visual identification of cyanobacteria in water areas using digital photography. To solve the problem, we used a mathematical model that enables to describe the relationships between components and transitions between the system states at a simple-forunderstanding level. The principle of parsimony underlies the model. According to this principle, the most appropriate model is described by the simplest relations in the sense defined in the work. As the case study, the problem of recognizing clumps of cyanobacteria from digital satellite imagery was considered. This is a complex, practically important problem that does not have a satisfactory experimental and theoretical solution at the moment. Applying system approaches to the measured colorimetric parameters of digital photography, we developed the index for identification of such clumps. This index uses the parameters of the digital RGB model of (various parts of) an image and allows us to reveal clumps of cyanobacteria on digital images obtained by aerospace methods. Additionally, digital photography can be performed in the conditions of insufficient visibility (due to precipitation, fog, and other factors), for imitation of which in the case study the original image was distorted by the digital noise. The studied model can find useful applications in the areas requiring binary dynamical data insights. Представлена дескриптивна динамічна модель бінарних даних, що дозволяє по вихідним спостереженнями з порушеним часовим порядком відновити вихідний порядок на підставі принципу парсимонії. Модель застосована для знаходження системних колориметричних параметрів, використовуваних для обробки зображень скупчень токсичних ціанобактерій на основі аналізу компонентів RGB-моделі цифрової фотографії Представлена дескриптивная динамическая модель бинарных данных, позволяющая по исходным наблюдениям с нарушенным временным порядком восстановить исходный порядок на основании принципа парсимонии. Модель применена для нахождения системных колориметрических параметров, используемых для обработки изображений, скоплений токсических цианобактерий на основе анализа компонентов RGB-модели цифровой фотографии.Публікація Ground of Model for the Generalized Criterion Forming at Differential Diagnostics of Dermatological Diseases(Information Theories & Applications, 2008) Bykh, A. I.; Visotska, E.; Kozina, O.; Tikhonova, A.; Porvan, A.; Zhook, A.The basic methods of decisions making in multi-criterion conditions are considered, from which the method of the weighed total for calculation of diagnostic indexes significance in differential diagnostics of dermatological diseases is chosen.Публікація Improving of recognition accuracy of ecg-signal in varios disorders of heart and optimization of treatment by drugs(ITHEA, 2009) Bilous, N.; Visotskaja, E.; Kozina, O.; Porvan, A.; Kobzar, G.; Krasov, A.Application of ECG scale-space representation and its derivatives for clarification of point positions on results of wavelet detector for increase of boundary points determination accuracy in the automatic mode at higher rapidness while providing maximal reliability of recognition of ECG elements is offered. In addition, possibility of scale-space representation application is investigated for the selection of cardiac cycles for averaging signal. A new method of optimal drug selection is also proposed that reduces recipe space more than doubled taking into account required for treatment of patient symptoms pharmacological actions of drugs. Using the obtained function as function of goal for deterministic parametric model of optimal selection of multi-direction activity drugs allows adequately and systematically complete process of selecting of effective treatment of all symptoms of patient..Публікація Mathematical modeling of the colorimetric parameters for remote control over the state of natural bioplato(2017) Balym, Yu.; Georgiyants, M.; Vysotska, O.; Pecherska, A.; Porvan, A.An approach to the remote determination of the character of bioproduction processes in aquatic phytocenoses is proposed. The investigated plant communities can be used as natural bioplato for the elimination of biosafety threats to water consumption. The relevance of these studies is determined by the increased need for expanding the arsenal of methods for remote diagnosis of the states of natural systems that are important for biosafety provision. In particular - to ensure biosafety when using natural feed resources by waterfowls, which are a potential reservoir of bird flu. The similarity in the dynamics of the colorimetric parameters of phytocenoses and the Margalef's succession model makes it possible to implement a new approach to the generation of productive working hypotheses for the development of remote methods for determining the state of bioproduction processes in natural bioplato. The proposed approach is based on the use of the class of mathematical models, which is called the discrete models of dynamic systems. Based on the structure of the correlations between the colorimetric components of space photographs of the plavni in the mouth of the river Danube, a description of the structure of the intercomponent and intracomponent relations of the massifs of semi-submerged higher aquatic plants has been obtained. The resulting structure of intercomponent relations allowed us to construct idealized trajectories reflecting the dynamic changes of the system. A unique constant inverse relationship between the parameter reflecting the amount of green chlorophyll pigment affecting the level of photosynthetic production and the parameter reflecting the amount of orange-red pigments in each of the possible matrices of the ratios of colorimetric parameters has been revealed. As a result of analysis of the dynamic aspects of the RGB model, the structure of the system color parameter is shown, which is the mean square deviation of the spread in the degree of alignment of parameter values reflecting the amount of green and orange-red pigments. Представлені результати моделювання межкомпонентних відносин колорометричних параметрів природних біоплато. В якості вихідних даних використані космічні знімки плавнів в дельті Дунаю. Запропоновано використовувати системний колорометрический параметр, що відображає розмах значень ступеня вирівняності значень колорометричних параметрів. Виділені ознаки дозволяють дистанційно діагностувати стан біопродукційних процесів природних біоплато. Представлены результаты моделирования межкомпонентных отношений колорометрических параметров естественных биоплато. В качестве исходных данных использованы космические снимки плавней в дельте Дуная. Предложено использовать системный колорометрический параметр, отражающий размах значений степени выровненности значений колорометрических параметров. Выделенные признаки позволяют дистанционно диагностировать состояние биопродукционных процессов естественных биоплато.Публікація Perspectives of telemedicine technologies in cardiology(НТМТ, 2013) Porvan, A.; Tchepayu, T. O.