Перегляд за автором "Odarenko, E. N."
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Публікація Bragg reflection and transmission of light by one-dimensional gyrotropic magnetophotonic crystal(IEEE, 2017) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.; Rokhmanova, T. N.Reflection and transmission coefficients for onedimensional magnetophotonic crystal with a bilayer unit cell are obtained in analytical form. The bilayer consists of arbitrary gyrotropic media. Analytical dispersion equation for gyrotropic multilayer periodic structure is obtained. Different regimes of bulk and surface wave’s propagation in structure layers are investigated. System parameters values that correspond to both total reflection and total transmission by gyrotropic Bragg structure are found. The possibility of band structure controlling with an external magnetic field is shown.Публікація Coaxial Laser Resonator with Smooth Adjustment of Radiation Output(Begell House, 2020) Dzubenko, M. I.; Maslov, V. A.; Odarenko, E. N.; Radionov, V. P.A new design of a laser resonator with smooth adjustment of radiation output is presented. Adjustment can be performed over a wide range and directly during laser operation. This provides optimal feedback under various laser operating conditions. The active element has an annular sectional shape. The pumping and cooling elements can be placed on the outer and inner sides of the active element. This ensures a uniform distribution of pump energy and good heat dissipation from the active substance. Gaseous, liquid and solid substances can be used as an active medium. The possibility of obtaining optimal feedback and homogeneity of the active substance make it possible to increase the efficiency of laser generation. Coaxially arranged conical mirrors provide a rational change in the radiation path in the cavity. The radiation makes a complete passage through the cavity in four different ways. This allows to minimize the effect of inhomogeneities of the active substance on the radiation, which improves the spatial-angular and energy characteristics of the output laser radiation. Conical 90° mirrors that are used in the laser cavity do not require careful alignment and provide increased laser stability. Such a resonator scheme is suitable for use in a wide frequency range, including the terahertz range.Публікація Difraction of Electromagnetic Wave on Infinite Cylinder with Metamaterial Coating(Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2014) Kostina, N. A.; Odarenko, E. N.In this paper a task about interaction of plane monochromatic wave with a metallic or dielectric cylinder with a coating the material parameters of that can have both positive and negative values is considered. Implied, that the negative values of permittivity and permeability correspond to the negative refraction index of metamaterial. Basic attention was paid to development of the methods for the field distribution visualization inside the cylinder coating and in area of nearby space.Публікація Dispersion characteristics of the photonic crystal waveguides(Science and Education LTD, 2020) Bukreieva, V. I.; Odarenko, E. N.Two schemes of photonic crystal waveguides are considered in this work. Photonic crystal is formed by a system of hollow cylindrical holes in the dielectric medium. Package MIT Photonic Bands is used for numerical calculation of the dispersion characteristics of photonic crystal waveguides. Single-mode and multimode regimes of the waveguide systems are investigated.Публікація Dispersion Properties of a One-dimensional Anisotropic Magnetophotonic Crystal with a Gyrotropic Layer(IEEE, 2016) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.; Yampol'skii, V. A.; Rokhmanova, T. N.; Galenko, A. Y.In this work, we obtain the dispersion relation for magnetophotonic one-dimensional crystal with a gyrotropic plasma layer in the analytical form. The numerical analysis of the dispersion relation for waves in the crystal at different parameters of the effective permittivity of the plasma layer is carried out. We predict the propagation of bulk fast and slow waves in such structures. The transmission and forbidden bands in the dispersion diagram for the bulk waves are presented in the area for surface plasma waves.Публікація Dispersion properties of artificial topological insulators based on an infinite double-periodic array of elliptical quartz elements(ІРЕ НАН України, 2021) Ivzhenko, L. I.; Polevoy, S. Yu.; Odarenko, E. N.; Tarapov, S. I.Subject and Purpose. Special features of all-dielectric electromagnetic analogues of topological insulators in the microwave range are considered, aiming at studying the influence of geometrical and constitutive parameters of topological insulator elements on the dispersion properties of topological insulators based on a two-dimensional double-periodic array of dielectric elements. Methods and Methodology. Th e evaluation of dispersion properties and electromagnetic field spatial distribution patterns for topological insulators is performed using numerical simulation programs. Results. The electromagnetic analogue of a topological insulator based on a double-periodic array of elliptical quartz cylinders has been considered. By numerical simulation, it has been demonstrated that the electromagnetic properties of the structure are control-lable by changing the quartz uniaxial anisotropy direction without any changes in other parameters. A combined topological insulator made up of two adjoining ones differing in shapes of their unit cells has been considered with the numerical demonstration that frequencies of surface states are controllable by choosing the quartz uniaxial anisotropy direction. It has been shown that it is at the interface of two different in shape unit cells that the electromagnetic field concentration at a surfacestate frequency takes place. Conclusion. A possibility has been demonstrated of controlling microwave electromagnetic properties of topological insulators by changing their geometric parameters and permittivity of the constituents. From a practical point of view, topological insulators can be used as components of microwave transmission lines and devices featuring very small propagation loss.Публікація Dispersion Properties of TM and TE Modes of Gyrotropic Magnetophotonic Crystals(InTech, 2017) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.; Lysytsya, V. T.This chapter discusses the propagation of TM and TE waves in the one-dimensional gyrotropic magnetophotonic crystals with ferrite and plasma-like layers. Elements of the transfer matrix are calculated in closed analytical form on the base of electrodynamic problem rigorous solution for arbitrary location of the gyrotropic elements on the structure period. Dispersion equation of the layered periodic structure with gyrotropic elements is obtained. Dispersion properties of the structure for TE and TM modes are analyzed for different configurations of magnetophotonic crystals (ferrite and plasma-like layers). Existence areas of transmission bands for surface and bulk waves are obtained. The effect of problem parameters on the dispersion properties of magnetophotonic crystals for TM and TE modes is investigated. Regimes of complete transmission of wave through limited magnetophotonic crystal are analyzed for bulk and surface waves.Публікація Effect of Electron Beam Thickness Upon the Performance of a Resonant Type-O Carcinotron with a Tapered Magnetostatic Field(Begell House, 1999) Odarenko, E. N.; Shevchenko, N. G.Theoretical analysis of O-type generator efficiency is performed for different thickness of sheet electron beam and spatial distributions of magnetic focusing field. Tilted focusing field and locally nonuniform one are considered. Effect of the electron beam thickness on the beam-wave interaction efficiency is investigated for regimes of maximum amplification and maximum power.Публікація Extraordinary Reflection from Photonic Crystal with Metamaterials(IEEE, 2016) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Kazanko, A. V.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.; Yampol'skii, V. A.; Rokhmanova, T. N.We predict an extraordinary perfect reflection of a plane wave from a finite-thickness photonic crystal made of dielectrics and metamaterials. The physical nature of this phenomenon is revealed. We show that this complete reflection is related to a resonance of surface plasmon-polariton wave along the crystal thickness.Публікація Floquet-Bloch Theory for Semiconductor Bragg Structure(2020) Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Odarenko, E. N.; Krivets, A. S.; Yushchenko ,O. V.The problem of Floquet-Bloch waves propagation in a semiconductor magnetophotonic crystal with a transverse magnetic field was solved. The fundamental solutions of the Hill equation in layers that based on the Floquet theory were obtained in an analytical form. The dispersion equation and its roots are found explicitly. The analysis of the dispersion properties of the structures depending on the material parameters of the layers was carried out. The parameters of gyrotropic layers for the full transmission and reflection of a plane wave for different frequencies through a limited magnetophotonic crystal in modes of surface and bulk waves are determined.Публікація Hyperbolic Magnetophotonic Crystals with Gyrotropic Layers. Dispersion Characteristics(2020) Shmatko, A. A.; Odarenko, E. N.; Mizernik, V. N.We solved the problem of the Floquet-Bloch waves propagation in one-dimensional magnetophotonic crystal with hyperbolic and gyrotropic layers in the presence of a transverse magnetic field. New fundamental solutions of the Hill equation based on the third boundary-value problem with Cauchy boundary conditions are explicitly obtained in crystal layers. The dispersion equation is obtained in analytical form and its roots are found. The dispersion properties of hyperbolic media and magnetophotonic crystals with hyperbolic and gyrotropic layers are analyzed, and the main features of the propagation of TE and TM waves for two types of hyperbolicity in the presence of gyrotropy of the medium layers are elucidated.Публікація Interaction of Laser Radiation (UV) with Materials(Sumy State University, 2024) Afanasieva, O. V.; Lalazarova, N. O.; Hnatenko, O. S.; Kurskoy, Yu. S.; Odarenko, E. N.; Ivanchenko, O. V.Розглянута взаємодія лазерного випромінювання з речовиною. Для маркування неметалевих матеріалів використовують нагрівання нижче температури розм’якшення, термічна обробка потребує нагрівання до температур вище температури фазових перетворень, лазерне різання металів відбувається при нагріванні вище температури плавлення, а гравірування – вище температури плавлення або випаровування. Вибір лазера для проведення певного виду обробки визначається специфікою впливу лазерного випромінювання на даний матеріал і особливостями поставленого технологічного завдання. Все більше використання в промисловості знаходить лазерне випромінювання УФ-діапазону з довжиною хвилі λ = 355 нм, яке можна одержати за рахунок генерації третьої гармоніки. Надані рекомендації з використання малопотужних імпульсних лазерів УФ-діапазону при маркуванні, гравіруванні, різанні металевих та неметалевих матеріалів та поверхневому гартуванні сталей. В роботі наведені результати дослідження впливу довжини хвилі лазерного випромінювання на гравірування металів. Проведені дослідження свідчать, що гравірування променем з довжиною хвилі випромінювання λ = 0,355 мкм дозволяє одержати якісне зображення без оплавлення поверхні. Завдяки тому, що випромінювання з довжиною хвилі λ = 0,35 мкм однаково добре поглинається металами і діелектриками, УФлазери можуть застосовуватися для роздільних операцій в мікроелектроніці, наприклад, для різання гнучких друкованих плат з високою якістю. Зменшення діаметру плями фокусування УФ-лазеру у порівнянні з фокусуванням СО2-лазеру дозволяє знизити потужність випромінювання і проводити більш якісне різання. Порівняння термічного зміцнення сталей об'ємним гартуванням, лазерним гартуванням з оплавленням, лазерним гартуванням УФ-випромінюванням показало високу ефективність гартування УФвипромінюванням. Лазерну обробку в УФ-діапазоні раціонально застосовувати для локального поверхневого зміцнення деталей паливної апаратури, різальних інструментів. The interaction of laser radiation with matter is considered. Marking of non-metallic materials requires heating below the softening point, heat treatment requires heating to temperatures above the phase transformation temperature, laser cutting of metals occurs with heating above the melting point, and engraving occurs above the melting or evaporation point. The choice of a laser for a certain type of processing is determined by the specific impact of laser radiation on a given material and the characteristics of the technological task at hand. Laser radiation in the UV range with a wavelength of λ = 355 nm, which can be obtained through third harmonic generation, is increasingly used in industry.Recommendations are provided for the use of low-power pulsed UV lasers for marking, engraving, cutting of metallic and nonmetallic materials and surface hardening of steels. The paper presents the results of a study of the effect of laser radiation wavelength on metal engraving. The studies show that engraving with a beam with a radiation wavelength of λ = 0.355 µm allows obtaining a high-quality image without melting the surface. Due to the fact that radiation with a wavelength of λ = 0.35 µm is equally well absorbed by metals and dielectrics, UV-lasers can be used for separation operations in microelectronics, for example, for cutting flexible printed circuit boards with high quality. Reducing the diameter of the focus spot of the UV-laser compared to the focus of the CO2-laser makes it possible to reduce the radiation power and perform better cutting. Comparison of thermal strengthening of steels by volume hardening, laser hardening with melting, laser hardening by UV-radiation showed high efficiency of hardening by UV-radiation. Laser processing in the UV-range is rationally used for local surface hardening of fuel equipment parts, cutting tools.Публікація Interaction of the electromagnetic radiation with two-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal(Publishing House "Education and science", Praha, 2017) Yevtushenko, D. A.; Odarenko, E. N.Linear and nonlinear photonic crystals illuminated by plane wave are considered in this work. Kerr nonlinearity is assumed. The modeling of such structures and calculations of the dispersion diagrams and transmittance are performed in software packages MEEP and MPB.Публікація Localized field enhancement in slow-wave modes of modified Bragg waveguide(IEEE, 2017) Odarenko, E. N.; Sashkova, Y. V.; Shmat'ko, A. A.Modified scheme of Bragg reflection waveguide with additional layers between the hollow core and cladding is considered. Dispersion diagrams are calculated on the base of dispersion equations solutions for ordinary and modified Bragg waveguides. Slow-wave regimes are considered for both kinds of structure. Electric field spatial distributions for localized slowwave modes of Bragg reflection waveguide are obtained. It is shown that modified scheme of Bragg waveguide provides the enhanced localization of the surface modes field in the hollow core. Therefore modified Bragg waveguide is the promising electrodynamic system not only for laser-driven accelerators but also for the vacuum electron devices where usual slow-wave structures are unconvenient.Публікація Magnetophotonic crystal on base of gyrotropic semiconductor and metamaterial(Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, 2018) Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A. A.; Mizernik, V. N.; Maslov, V. A.One-dimensional magnetophotonic crystal which contains semiconductor and metamaterial layers is considered. Dispersion properties are investigated within the framework of ABCD matrix method for gyrotropic periodical structures. Surface waves exist conditions are considered for different system parameters. Possibility of narrow-band filters development is shown on the base of multilayered structure under investigation.Публікація Mechanically Tunable Wire Medium Metamaterial in the Millimeter Wave Band(EMW Publishing, 2016) Ivzhenko, L. I.; Odarenko, E. N.; Tarapov, S. I.The paper is devoted to experimental and theoretical study of spectra zone characteristics of the wire medium metamaterial with mechanically tunable unit cell. We experimentally demonstrated the effective control possibility of the spectral characteristics of wire medium metamaterial by varying its elementary unit-cell geometry. We established conditions under which the experimental implementation of the wire medium metamaterial at microwaves possesses the properties of a plasma-like medium and the properties band gap structure. A good agreement between the experiment and theory is demonstrated.Публікація Microwave Heating of Low-Temperature Plasma and Its Application(2021) Frolova, T. I.; Buts, V. A.; Churyumov, G. I.; Odarenko, E. N.; Gerasimov, V. P.n this chapter, the results of theoretical and experimental studies of the interaction of an electromagnetic field with a plasma (fundamental interaction of the wave-particle type) both in the regime of standing waves (in the case of a resonator) and in the case of traveling waves in a waveguide are presented. The results of computer modeling the distribution of a regular electromagnetic field for various designs of electrodynamic structures are considered. The most attractive designs of electrodynamic structures for practical application are determined. A brief review and analysis of some mechanisms of stochastic plasma heating are given as well as the conditions for the formation of dynamic chaos in such structures are determined. Comparison analysis of microwave plasma heating in a regular electromagnetic field (in a regime with dynamical chaos) with plasma heating by random fields is considered. It is shown, that stochastic heating of plasma is much more efficient in comparison with other mechanisms of plasma heating (including fundamental interaction of the wave-wave type). The results obtained in this work can be used to increase the efficiency of plasma heating as well as to develop promising new sources of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave and optical ranges.Публікація Microwave Heating of Low-Temperature Plasma and Its Application(IntechOpen, 2021) Frolova, T. I.; Churyumov, G. I.; Odarenko, E. N.; Gerasimov, V.; Buts, V.In this chapter, the results of theoretical and experimental studies of the interaction of an electromagnetic field with a plasma (fundamental interaction of the wave-particle type) both in the regime of standing waves (in the case of a resonator) and in the case of traveling waves in a waveguide are presented. The results of computer modeling the distribution of a regular electromagnetic field for various designs of electrodynamic structures are considered. The most attractive designs of electrodynamic structures for practical application are determined. A brief review and analysis of some mechanisms of stochastic plasma heating are given as well as the conditions for the formation of dynamic chaos in such structures are determined. Comparison analysis of microwave plasma heating in a regular electromagnetic field (in a regime with dynamical chaos) with plasma heating by random fields is considered. It is shown, that stochastic heating of plasma is much more efficient in comparison with other mechanisms of plasma heating (including fundamental interaction of the wave-wave type). The results obtained in this work can be used to increase the efficiency of plasma heating as well as to develop promising new sources of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave and optical ranges.Публікація Microwave oscillator – the orotron with the DC magnetic nonuniformity(SPIE, 1993) Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A.The effect of the profiled profiled focusing field on the operation of the the orotron is studied. The two-dimensional model of the beam-wave interaction is described. The decrease of the starting current and efficiency enhancement are possible for chosen theoretical model.Публікація Millimeter Waves Hybrid Devices – Theory and Simulation(IEEE, 2002) Odarenko, E. N.; Shmat'ko, A. A.Hybrid mm waves O-type electron devices are considered. The multidimensional nonlinear self-consistent theory of beam-wave interaction in different stages of hybrid devices has been developed. Output characteristics of hybrid amplifiers for different values of input signal are calculated.
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