Перегляд за автором "Nevludov, I."
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Публікація Analysis of Software Products for Simulation Modeling of the Operation of the System of Shuttles for Warehousing(2022) Nevludov, I.; Yevsieiev, V.; Maksymova, S.; Klymenko, O.; Vzhesnievskyi, M.In this paper, the analysis of simulation systems for the work of a warehouse of a chaotic storage method with a high density is carried out. The authors analyze warehouse operation modeling strategies within the framework of Warehouse 4.0 concepts, and also consider existing modeling systems. During the analysis, attention is paid to parameters, such as the energetic calculation of the shuttle system, which directly affects the throughput of the simulated warehouse.Публікація Multicriteria Decision Making in Problems of Modular Assembly Processes Design Automation(2016) Nevludov, I.; Yevsieiev, V.; Miliutina, S.; Funkendorf, A.