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Публікація Bank Lending Efficiency in the Real Sector of the Economy of Ukraine within the Period of 2011 to 2014 Years(Scientific Research Publishing, 2015) Mohammad, A.; Kots, G.; Lyashenko, V.According to the classical theory of banking development and traditional idea of practical matters of bank management, lending is one of the main directions in banking. It is connected with that realization of credit transactions should be considered as a defining component of bank management. According to this defining component each separate bank will organize loan of resources and their subsequent arrangement on proper conditions and on proper risk. Hence, taking into account the retrospective review, the work analyzes the fluctuations of rating values of the bank lending efficiency in the real sector of the economy. The analysis is carried out on the example of the banks of Ukraine within the period of 2011 to 2014 years. For the purpose of examining the values of bank lending efficiency in the real sector of Ukraine’s economy, the article considers the efficiency stochastic boundary model. There were analyzed in detail the forms of distribution by particular efficiency value levels of bank lending in the real sector of Ukraine’s economy, which were obtained for 16 different time dates from the interval analyzed. There was made the conclusion about necessity of balanced use of real resources of banks for growth of crediting efficiency.Публікація Common methodology of data analysis of natural disasters(GJESRM, 2016) Mohammad, A.; Kuzemin, A.; Lyashenko, V.; Tkachenko, B.Providing of safe human life is very connected with research and analysis of different disasters. Among of different disasters, there is a special place for natural disasters (ND), because ND have significant influence on human life. One of the methods to prevent uncontrolled ND influence on human life is wide data research which are connected with appearance and distribution of ND. Thus, in this work researched the whole methodology of data analysis of ND. Basis of this methodology is statistic model of ND data analysis and development of forecast ranking of ND development.Публікація Computing Features of Elementary Projective Orthogonal Transformations of an Image(IJARCSMS, 2015) Lyashenko, V.; Lyubchenko, V.; Mohammad, A.There is considered the problem of normalization of images which arises at processing and analysis of pictures of visual perception of images of the real world. There are investigated features of elementary projective orthogonal transformations of an image for the purpose of possibility of their use in normalization problems. Specificity of computing aspects of application of the elementary projective orthogonal transformations for normalization of images is shown. The conclusion is drawn on necessity of correct use of projective orthogonal transformations for procedures of normalization of images.Публікація Conformity Analysis Between Experimental and Theoretical Data in the Study Collisions of Relativistic Heavy Ion (The Case φ-Space)(Scholars Middle East Publishers, 2017) Mohammad, A.; Lyashenko, V.; Sinelnikova, T.We applied the wavelet methodology to study the results of the chaotic behavior of the production of particles in relativistic collisions of heavy ions. We use wavelet coherence to analyze the correspondence between theoretical and experimental data. We examined the 1-D phase space of variable (the case φ-space). We also compared the wavelet coherence values for η-space and φ-space. It was also shown that the values of the wavelet of coherence depend on the values of the parameters p and q. We discussed our new results for the comparison purpose and findings were in the good agreements.Публікація Dielectric and Electrical Characterization Study of Synthesized Alumina Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composites(Elixir, 2015) Alveera, Khan; Mohammad, A.; Shirish, Joshi; Lyashenko, V.Fillers added to the matrix material help to enhance the properties of a composite. The present research investigation has aimed to the electrical study on synthesized alumina fibre reinforced epoxy composites at room temperature with different concentration of alumina fibre along with different frequencies. Decrease in dielectric constant and dielectric loss is found on increasing the frequency. Increase in ac conductivity has been found on increasing the frequency as well as concentration of filler. The resultant samples were prepared by hand lay technique. Cluster of alumina fibre is found on the surface of epoxy composite when examined by Scanning electron microscopy.Публікація Experiments with Fusion of Images with Use of Wavelet Transformation in Problems of the Text Information Analysis(IJERGS, 2015) Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad, A.; Kobylin, O.An analysis of images is the powerful tool of research in various fields of knowledge. One of directions of application of such analysis is a computer processing of text information. There is defined a number of problems among existing variety of methods of image processing of a text, where a wavelet procedure of fusion of images is in the basis. There is carried out a number of experiments for the purpose of a substantiation of possibility and expediency of application of wavelet procedure of fusion of images for the computer processing and the analysis of text information. As a result of the carried out experiments, a complexity of a choice of a fusion method of investigated images and an estimation of quality of such fusion are shown. Necessity of use of adaptive procedures is proved at a choice of a fusion method of approximating and detailing coefficients of wavelet expansion.Публікація Image Processing a New Era in the Study of Natural Polymer Composites(ASIAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, 2016) Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad, A.; Lyubchenko, V.; Kobylin, O.; Khan, A.Image processing is one of the fundamentals of various intelligence systems based on data analysis. It is caused by that the significant part of information about outward things can be received on the basis of the video data analysis about images of the real world. As an example, we reviewed the methodology of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. We have shown the need to apply the methodology of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. Such analysis uses various methods, approaches and theories where the special place is occupied by the procedures connected with recognition of scenes or separate objects, presented on incoming images. This allows you to improve the study of the properties of fiber as a reinforcing agent in polymer compositions.Публікація Informational and Structural - Parametric Models of Inductions Micromotors(IOSR, 2018) Mohammad, A.; Sotnik, S.; Belova, N.; Lyashenko, V.Inductions motors play an important role in various areas of their application. Especially important among such engines are inductions micromotors. The breadth of use of inductions micromotors necessitates the construction of various models for such engines in order to determine the parameters of their design and operation characteristics. The article reviews the designs of existing inductions motors. An information and structural-parametric model for determining the design of inductions micromotors and their main characteristics are proposed. Calculations have been performed for one of the modifications of an inductions micromotor. The effectiveness of the proposed features modification an inductions micromotor is shown. The reliability and efficiency of the developed models for determining the design of the considered modification of an inductions micromotor is shown.Публікація Methodology Modeling of Parts with Replaceable Hard Alloy Plates Types in the SolidWorks System(Scholars Middle East Publishers, 2018) Lyashenko, V.; Sinelnikova, T.; Mohammad, A.To model the milling process, you need an accurate model of the cutting tool. The article presents a methodology developed for designing a part with replaceable "end milling cutter" plates in a three-dimensional configuration. The model of a "face milling cutter" type with carbide inserts includes a large number of variables, such as diameter, number of teeth, their clearance angles, and the like. Therefore, the geometry of such a cutting tool is chosen on the basis of similar details studies. The proposed model was developed using the CAD system of SolidWorks. The cutting insert deformation of the milling cutter in the SolidWorks Simulation module is analyzed, as a result of the calculated cutting force acting on it, it is determined that the cutting inserts meet the accuracy requirements for surface treatment of grade 2-4.Публікація Methodology of Correlation Analysis in Solution of a Problem of Normalization of Projective Image Transformations(IJSER, 2015) Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad, A.; Lyubchenko, V.; Kobylin, O.Processing and interpretation of images is one of composing systems of the intellectual analysis of data. It is caused by that the significant part of information about outward things can be received on the basis of the video data analysis about images of the real world. At that, such analysis uses various methods, approaches and theories where the special place is occupied by the procedures connected with recognition of scenes or separate objects, presented on incoming images. Thus, it is necessary to consider the fact, that incoming images owing to objective factors could be subject to various geometrical distortions. Such distortions impose the restrictions and features on possibility of application of separate approaches and methods to processing and interpretation of images. Hence, a procedure of correlation normalization of images which allows to compare and recognize images is considered in this work. The work proves the possibility of representation of projective group of transformations, as one of versions of geometrical distortions of the incoming image, in the form of composition of the basic, simple transformations which are also versions of geometrical distortions of the incoming image. At the same time, the expediency of application of a partial correlation method for realization of procedure of correlation normalization of images is considered. The formalized description of the offered procedure of correlation normalization of images is given. Examples of separate steps of realization of the offered procedure are resulted.Публікація Methodology of Wavelets in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions in One Dimensional Phase Space (η-Space)(Scientific Research Publishing, 2017) Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad, A.; Deineko, Z.; Hashim, R.An attempt has been made to apply the wavelet methodology for the study of the results of the chaotic behavior of multiparticle production in relativistic heavy ion collisions. We reviewed the data that describes the collisions of relativistic heavy ion for the case η-space in 1-D phase space of variable. We compared the experimental data and UrQMD data using wavelet coherency. We discussed the results of the comparison.Публікація Preventing of Technogenic Risks in the Functioning of an Industrial Enterprise(IAEME publication, 2016) Kuzemin, A.; Mohammad, A.; Kots, G.; Lyashenko, V.; Tkachenko, M.Providing safety of human life is inextricably linked to the study and analysis of the various emergency situations. At the same time a special place in this analysis is given to research the effect of the natural diseases on th ability of the possibility of occurrence and spread of the technogenic risk in the functioning of the industrial enterprise. To solve a problem The paper considers the basic principles of construction of distributed geographic information system for the management of technological risks in the functioning of industrial enterprise in case of natural emergencies. Disclosed some issues of functioning of specialized geoinformation systems preventing of technogenic risks in the functioning of an industrial enterprise.Публікація Statistical Study of Bank Lending Efficiency in the Real Sector of the Economy of Ukraine within the Period of Years 2009 to 2012(AARJMD, 2016) Mohammad, A.; Kots, G.; Lyashenko, V.The work analyses the fluctuations of rating values of the bank lending efficiency in the real sector of the economy. The analysis is carried out on the example of the banks of Ukraine within the period from 2009 to 2012 years. For the purpose of examining the values of banklending efficiency in the real sector of Ukraine’s economy, the article considers the efficiency stochastic boundary model, which uses the intermediary function for bank functioning description based on the asset approach. This methodology allows us to investigate the complex processes of bank lending. There were analyzed in detail the forms of distribution by particular efficiency value levels of bank-lending in the real sector of Ukraine’s economy, which were obtained for 16 different time dates from the interval analyzed. As the result of the analysis, the article reveals the tendency to decline in average values of bank-lending efficiency in the real sector of Ukraine’s economy, which is observed against the background of considerable values of inefficient component quota in error full dispersion of the observed model of the corresponding stochastic efficiency boundary. At the same time it is shown that the efficiency of processes of transformation of attracted resources into lending resources with relation to banks functioning in Ukraine is determined in many respects by the adequacy of the real banks resources usage.Публікація Study of Composite Materials for the Engineering using Wavelet Analysis and Image Processing Technology(TJPRC, 2017) Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad, A.; Kobylin, O.; Khan, A.Wavelet analysis and image processing technologies are important Tools for data analysis. We can apply these tools to the science of materials and polymers. This is important for the use of composite materials in engineering. We reviewed the methodology for wavelet analysis of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. We also use the contrasting procedure to improve the wavelet analysis. This allows you to improve the study of the properties of fiber as a reinforcing agent in polymer compositions for use in engineering. In this paper experiments had been held. The results presented here were found satisfactory and also are in good agreement with our earlier work and some other worker in the same field.Публікація Synthesis of Alumina Fibre by Annealing Method Using Coir Fibre(SCIENCEDOMAIN international, 2016) Khan, A.; Mohammad, A.; Shirish, J.; Lyashenko, V.The present study reports the synthesis of coir fibre treated with alumina salt by using of the annealing method. In this study chemical treatment of coir fibre has been done using a nitro compounds at higher temperature. The composite formed after the chemical treatment and has been characterized by X-ray diffraction for the determination of peaks of composites, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and FTIR technique. The successful synthesis of alumina fibre has been confirmed that chemically treated fibre is not fully bonded but is in poor contact with the matrix. Chemically treated fibre could not adhere with the epoxy matrix and therefore interfacial bonding is poor.Публікація The Methodology of Image Processing in the Study of the Properties of Fiber as a Reinforcing Agent in Polymer Compositions(IJARCS, 2016) Lyashenko, V.; Lyubchenko, V.; Mohammad, A.; Alveera, Khan; Kobylin, O.Fillers added to the matrix material help to enhance the properties of a composite. We reviewed the methodology of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. We have shown the need to apply the methodology of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. This allows you to improve the study of the properties of fiber as a reinforcing agent in polymer compositions.Публікація The Pre-Processing of Images Technique for the Material Samples in the Study of Natural Polymer Composites(AJER, 2016) Putyatin, Y.; Mohammad, A.; Lyashenko, V.; Khan, A.The image processing analysis is one of the most powerful tool in various research fields, especially in material / polymer science. Therefore in the present article an attempt has been made for study of pre-processing of images technique of the material samples during the images taken out by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). First we prepared the material samples with coir fibre (natural) and its polymer composite after that the image analysis has been performed by SEM technique and later on the said studies have been conducted. The results presented here were found satisfactory and also are in good agreement with our earlier work and some other worker in the same field.Публікація Wavelet Analysis as a Learning Tool a Polymer Composites(Natural State Research, 2017) Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad, A.; Kobylin, O.The image processing analysis is one of the most powerful tool in various research fields, especially in material/polymer science. But the image processing is very much. Each method can analyze a specific point in the image. We reviewed the methodology for wavelet analysis of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. This allows you to improve the study of the properties of fiber as a reinforcing agent in polymer compositions. In this paper experiments had been held. The results presented here were found satisfactory and also are in good agreement with our earlier work and some other worker in the same field.Публікація Wavelet Coherence as a Research Tool for Stability of the Banking System (the Example of Ukraine)(Scientific Research Publishing, 2016) Pogorelenko, N.; Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad, A.The banking system presents an open, multifaceted and meaningful set of different institutional units within a single monetary market. The effectiveness of such a system also largely determines the set of continuous mobilities of financial flows, and the result should determine the stability of the banking system. Accordingly, the work reveals a set of indicators of banking system stability and expediency analysis of available values using wavelet analysis. Wavelet coherence is considered a tool for wavelet analysis. Based on the analysis we displayed the impacts on the stability of the banking system in Ukraine in 2005-2015 years.