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Публікація 1,55 mkm fiber laser with electronic controlled mode-locking(CAOL, 2019) Hnatenko, O. S.; Neofitnyy, M. V.; Machekhin, Yu. P.; Zarytskyi, V. I.; Zhdanova, Yu. V.A projection of an erbium-doped active-fiber laser is offered in this research paper. Mode synchronization method - the nonlinear evolution of mode polarization, is used to ensure the duration of femtosecond pulses. The basis of this method uses liquid crystal controllers polarization, which is controlled by an electrical signal. The proposed scheme and method for obtaining ultrashort pulses are free from the unstable operation of the laser.Публікація A human as a research object for metrology of nonlinear dynamic systems(2017) Machekhin, Yu. P.; Kurskoy, Yu. S.; Prisich, E. Yu.The article presents the results of practical using of the approaches and tools of Metrology of nonlinear dynamic systems (Nonlinear Metrology). They were used for measurement and analysis of dynamic variables of a human body with a regular physical activity. As the analysis tools the intervals of dynamic variables values, measurement portrait, fractal dimension and Shannon entropy are used. The analysis of measurements results demonstrates that the dynamics of measured value is close to deterministic way. This is a characteristic trait of an open system with a self-organization function. The study results can be used for development of athletes training programs.Публікація Change of the emission spectrum of sulfur lamp when changing the properties of the electromagnetic field(ХНУРЭ, 2011) Machekhin, Yu. P.; Frolova, T. I.; Shunkova, I. A.The paper is devoted to researching the behavior of the emission spectrum of an electrodeless sulfur lamp when the parameters of the microwave field pumping a system are being changed. Some cases of changes in the magnitude and spatial position of the microwave field antinode are studied. The obtained results make it possible to control the output radiation of the lamp when parameters of the microwave field are changing and monitor the pumping energy on the basis of the emitted spectrum of the sulfur lamp.Публікація Design and Optimal Parameters of a Small-sized Diode-Pumped Nd:YAG Laser Setup(2023) Machekhin, Yu. P.; Herasymov, S. S.; Hnatenko, O. S.Дана стаття присвячена моделюванню, проектуванню та подальшій розробці практичної установки малогабаритного твердотільного лазера з середовищем посилення Nd:YAG та діодною накачкою. Твердотільні лазери існують близько 50 років і зазнали як позитивних, так і негативних аспектів під час своєї еволюції. Тим не менш, вони завжди займали важливе місце в багатьох галузях промисловості, наукових дослідженнях і повсякденній діяльності. На сьогоднішній день, такі пристрої широко використовуються та розвиваються в локації, виробництві, медицині та військовій техніці. Тому розробка та оптимізація їх структури залишається актуальною та важливою проблемою. Виявлено основні параметри компонентів компактного Nd:YAG лазера з діодною накачкою, які можуть бути реалізовані в конструкції далекоміра. Основні результати роботи. Розроблено та промодельовано Nd:YAG лазер з габаритними розмірами 350 x 25 x 25 мм; розміри лазерної активної головки 110 x 25 x 25 мм. Діодна накачка являє собою матрицю з шести діодів потужністю 90 Вт кожен, які працюють в імпульсному режимі тривалістю 250 нс. Резонатор складається з двох дзеркал, з коефіцієнтом відбиття на виході від 0,66 до 0,74. Активний елемент має довжину 72 мм. З такими параметрами лазера перший гігантський імпульс після початку накачування був досягнутий за 59 мкс, вихідна енергія 25 мДж і ефективність лазерної системи 22 %. Додатково генерувалися наступні імпульси випромінювання з інтервалом часу 4 мкс. Отримані в роботі результати дозволяють створити твердотільний лазер з діодною накачкою з енергією випромінювання на виході до 25 мДж і компактними розмірами резонатора близько 80 x 25 x 25 мм. This paper is dedicated to the modeling, design, and consequent construction of the practical setup of the small-size solid-state laser with Nd:YAG gain medium and the diode pumping. Solid-state lasers have been in existence for around 50 years and have experienced both positive and negative aspects during their evolution. Nevertheless, they have always held an essential position in numerous industries, scientific endeavors, and everyday activities. Nowadays, such devices are widely used and developed in location, manufacturing, medicine, and of course in military. Hence, the development and optimization of their structure remain a pertinent and important issue. The research reveals the basic component parameters for a compact Nd:YAG laser with diode pump, which can be implemented in the construction of range-finder. The main results of the work. Nd:YAG laser with overall dimensions of 350 x 25 x 25 mm was developed and modeled; the dimensions of the laser active head are 110 x25 x 25 mm. Diode pumping is a matrix of six diodes with a power of 90 W each, which operate in a pulse mode with a duration of 250 ns. The resonator consists of two mirrors, with an output reflectance from 0.66 to 0.74. The active element is 72 mm long. With these laser parameters, the first giant pulse after the start of pumping was achieved at 59 µs, an output energy of 25 mJ, and a laser system efficiency of 22 %. Additionally, the following radiation pulses were generated with a time interval of 4 µs. The results obtained in this work make it possible to create a diode-pumped solid-state laser with an output radiation energy of up to 25 mJ and have compact cavity dimensions of about 80 x 25 x 25 mm.Публікація Design and study of a laser system for detecting optical devices(ХНУРЭ, 2019) Hnatenko, O. S.; Machekhin, Yu. P.; Neofitnyi, M. V.; Gulak, S. V.The development of a laser system for detecting optical devices is presented in this research work. The proposed laser system is based on two principles: first, fixing glare from optical devices; second, fixation with the help of a high-sensitive photodiode of low-intensity emission, which in turn complicates the operation of counteraction systems offered for the laser system.Публікація Dwdm Communication Systems Based On Multifrequency Laser Radiation(ХНУРЭ, 2013) Machekhin, Yu. P.; Voznuk, E. V.The main limitation in current DWDM systems is the number of physical channels through which information is transmitted. “Physical channel”, in this case, means the optical frequency which, when modulated, allows the transfer of information. The current limitations of such systems are due to the use of laser sources and frequencies that are not stable and may arbitrarily vary within a certain range. Such systems require the frequency separation between channels to be set large enough so that the frequency of adjacent channels will not overlap. As a result, the possibility of increasing the volume and speed of data transfer through existing fiber optic systems is a topic constantly discussed in the literature [1]. For increasing the amount of information transmitted in DWDM systems is an obvious of increasing the number of physical channels in one single-mode fiber.Публікація Dynamic System Chaotic Behaviour and Uncertanty Measurement(2007) Machekhin, Yu. P.The role of dynamical chaos as a mechanism of increasing measurement uncertainty in a nonlinear dynamic system is discussed. A mathematical model based on the logistic equation was used for investigation of the effect. It was found that the uncertainty measurement, which has abnormal distribution, is connected with dynamic chaos.Публікація Effects of chaotic dynamic-system behavior on measurement uncertainty(Springer, New York, 2008) Machekhin, Yu. P.On an example of dynamic system, in which exist dynamical chaos, is shown, that uncertainty of measurement results of it parameters have anormal dispertion. For investigation this effect in nonlinear system, in paper was using mathematical model based on the logistic equation.Публікація Expression of uncertainty in measurement of nonlinear dynamic variables(ХНУРЭ, 2017) Machekhin, Yu. P.; Kurskoy, Yu. S.We show a way for estimation and expression of uncertainty in measurement of nonlinear dynamic variables. The measurement results are represented by number of interval variables with not canonical distribution lows. Each interval is represented by the minimum and maximum values of dynamic variables with their measurement uncertainties. Within the intervals the dynamical variables are displayed by the histograms of measurement results values. The most and least probable values of dynamic variables with their uncertainties and probabilities are presented too. The measurement results are added with the fractal dimension, Shannon entropy and forecasting horizon time. The described set of measurement results is a measurement portraitПублікація Features of entropy analysis of measurement results in nonlinear dynamical systems(Метрологія та прилади, Харьков, 2013) Machekhin, Yu. P.; Kurskoy, Yu. S.This article is the first from the group of publications about new metrological tasks. The article contains the arguments for using entropy analysis during creation new specific approaches and models for measurements in real-world nonlinear dynamical systems. The presenters offer special measurement model and measurement results analysis model that based on the main principles and concepts of dynamical chaos theory and fractal representations of the real systems behavior. The example of entropy analysis of measurement results in nonlinear dynamical systems is represented. It is shown that using entropy analysis will allow to use the modified Concept of expression of uncertainty of measurements in real-world, open, dissipative, chaotic systems.Публікація Fiber-optic system for control of the orientation of objects in space(SPIE, 2023) Hnatenko, O. S.; Machekhin, Yu. P.; Bilichenko, V.; Zarytskyi, V.; Yaroslavskyy, Y.; Klimek, J.; Mussabekov, K.; Yeraliyeva, B.; Ormanbekova, A.This article illustrates a system for stabilizing objects in space based on integral fiber elements. The proposed system showed results commensurate with similar systems with a length of tens of kilometers of SMF-28 optical fiber, while using PANDA type optical fiber is only 200 m. In the work, a model of the system was developed and experimental studies of the response and angular velocity of the gyroscope were carried out.Публікація Generation mode stability of a fiber ring laser(Begell House, 2015) Gnatenko, A. S.; Machekhin, Yu. P.To provide DWDM systems with a single source of radiation, it is possible to use a fiber femtosecond laser operating in the mode of generation supercontinuum. Functioning of a fiber ring laser operating in the mode of a train of ultra-short pulses is determined by the presence of liquid crystal polarizers being part of the resonator. Understanding of the control mode conception for passive mode locking by means of the liquid crystal polarizers is possible upon stable laser operating conditions. Therefore, it is purposed to study the conditions of sustainable modes of the ultra-short pulse fiber ring laser.Публікація Grid of optical frequencies in a near infra-red range spectrum(Paris, France, 2011) Lukin, K. A.; Machekhin, Yu. P.; Tatyanko, D. N.Theoretical and experimental investigation the noise spectral interferometry method for creation of the optical frequencies grids was carried out. Finding out, which kind of optical sources can be used for such tasks, and which limits of the frequency resolution has been achieved.Публікація Influence of polarization and misalignment on the signal of a trap detector(ННЦ «Институт метрологии», 2003) Machekhin, Yu. P.; Kohns, P.; Krasnogorov, A.Modem development of many branches of a science and engineering puts increased require¬ments to accuracy of measurement of power of laser radiation in a wide range of frequencies and power. There is a significant need for precise measurement of absolute value of power from a source of radiation in the optical region with a low or uitralow level of power (from several a milli¬watt up to units of nanowalt and less).Публікація Laser anemometry method for particle velocity measurement in the bose-Einstein condensate(Begell House, 2018) Machekhin, Yu. P.; Kurskoy, Yu. S.; Gnatenko, A. S.Studying of physical and engineering conditions of the process of atom velocity measurement in Bose-Einstein condensate is performed in the paper. In order to provide for the metrological support of the particle laser cooling process it is suggested the laser anemometry method based on measuring the Doppler frequency shift due to scattering of laser radiation by the moving particles to be cooled. The laser anemometry method for estimation of the particle velocity during the particle laser cooling process and the interferential model of the laser Doppler anemometry are provided. The requirements set to technical specifications of the laser Doppler anemometer are determined. The results of the paper form the basis of providing for the metrological support of the particle laser cooling process performed in order to create new frequency standards, the Bose-Einstein condensate and the quantum memory.Публікація Laser system for recording optics(CAOL, 2019) Semenets, V. V.; Neofitnyy, M. V.; Machekhin, Yu. P.; Hnatenko, O. S.; Zarytskyi, V. I.; Gulak, S. V.The development of a modern laser system for recording optics is presented in this research paper. Studying optical components for designing this system by various methods, by calculated methods and by a method of using modern modeling package Zemax, was conducted. The results of the calculations and simulation, which led to the preliminary design of the laser system of optics registration, coincide.Публікація Mathematical foundations of measurement in nonlinear dynamics systems(2015) Machekhin, Yu. P.In the present work the theory of measurement in nonlinear dynamic systems are developed. We study the radically new conditions measuring tasks associated with the peculiarities of the behavior of nonlinear dynamic systems. It show that ' between qualitative theory of differential equations and methods for estimating uncertainty of measuremen t there is a link that provides an assessment of the conditions of measurement.Публікація Measurement of non physical quantities(XXI IMEKO World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015) Machekhin, Yu. P.The work focused on the development of measurement methods in non-physical areas of human activity. Analyzed not technical activities of a person lying in the fields of social, biological, economic and other areas where no standards or measurement procedures, built on mathematical and physical models. It is shown that for measuring physical quantities it is necessary to use methods that provide measurements and processing of measurement results. Implementation of measurements of physical quantities for which there are no reference values, is possible only in the case when a connection is established between the test value and operating parameters, which is in the nature of the scales. The basis of these scales are measured intervals of time during which the dynamic system is returned to a stable state.Публікація Measurement science foundations(ХНУРЭ, 2011) Machekhin, Yu. P.Основой современной измерительной науки являются принципы классической механики. Они включены в некото-рые международные метрологические документы. В работе показано, как новые фундаментальные результаты в теории нелинейных динамических систем можно применять в измерительной науке. Генеральная идея исследований статьи — осознание влияния странного аттрактора на неопределность измерений. В статье обсуждается, как кор-ректировать измерительную науку в нелинейных динамических системах.Публікація Modification of measurement theory(2010) Machekhin, Yu. P.To ensure the correctness of measurements in nonlinear dynamic systems in paper was the development the measurement theory. We study the radically new conditions of measurement problems related to the specific behavior of nonlinear dynamic systems. Shown, that between qualitative theory of differential equations and methods of evaluation of measurement uncertainty there is a link that provides an assessment of conditions of measurement.