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Публікація A Theoretical Interpretation for the Study of Images Processing(IJARCSMS, 2015) Putyatin, Y.; Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad Ayaz Ahmad; Lyubchenko, V.; N. Ameer AhmadIn the present article and attempt has been made for the study of image processing, which is an important issue in various systems based on the electronic data analysis. This is also necessary for mankind in the age of modern technology, because it is essential to note systems of computer vision which render the indispensable help to the person in various situations and processes demanding special attention and also speed in decision-making. At the same time among variety of different methods and approaches for image processing it is necessary to allocate methodology of image normalization. The essence of such methodology of image processing consists in indemnification of different geometrical distortions of the input image which have been received a result of registration of the investigated image and its presentation on an input of system of the data analysis, in comparison with some reference picture. On the basis of such approach the work considers geometrical interpretation of the analyzed image of object as a basis of use of the device of the group theory.Публікація Color correction of the input image as an element of improving the quality of its visualization(2024) Yevstratov, M.; Lyubchenko, V.; Abu-Jassar Amer; Lyashenko, V.Image analysis and processing is constantly in the focus of attention of researchers. At the same time, special attention is paid to improving the quality of visualization, which is in demand in various applications: from medicine to printing. The solution to the problem is proposed to be achieved by correcting the color rendition of the original image, where the corresponding image perception metrics are used for analysis. The paper presents the results of the study based on the example of a well-known digital image.Публікація Computing Features of Elementary Projective Orthogonal Transformations of an Image(IJARCSMS, 2015) Lyashenko, V.; Lyubchenko, V.; Mohammad, A.There is considered the problem of normalization of images which arises at processing and analysis of pictures of visual perception of images of the real world. There are investigated features of elementary projective orthogonal transformations of an image for the purpose of possibility of their use in normalization problems. Specificity of computing aspects of application of the elementary projective orthogonal transformations for normalization of images is shown. The conclusion is drawn on necessity of correct use of projective orthogonal transformations for procedures of normalization of images.Публікація Digital Image Processing Techniques for Detection and Diagnosis of Fish Diseases(IJARCSSE, 2016) Lyubchenko, V.; Matarneh, R.; Kobylin, O.; Lyashenko, V.Image processing is used in many fields of knowledge because it allows the automate processes to get more information about the object being examined. One of directions of use of image processing technology is the study of fauna and flora, and in particular, the detection and diagnose of diseases of some representatives of fauna. In this article, we looked at the possibility of studying fish diseases by applying the methodology of color image segmentation. The surfaces of fish body considered the main information source to detectinfections. We successfully have detect infected areas on fish body and identified a total area of lesions.The proposed method makes it possible to automate the process and reduce the time of diagnosis of Infectious dangerous fish diseases.Публікація Digital image segmentation procedure as an example of an NP-problem(2024) Lyubchenko, V.; Veretelnyk, K.; Kots, P.; Lyashenko, V.Digital images are a source of additional information about the world around us. Such a source plays an important role in the process of medical diagnosis and research into human health. Digital imaging allows you to obtain the necessary information remotely without additional interference in human life. This can be done using various digital image processing and analysis techniques. However, these methods are typically an NP-problem. The paper discusses the procedure for segmenting medical digital images. The criteria are shown to achieve the required solution when segmenting an image as an NP-problem.Публікація Image Processing a New Era in the Study of Natural Polymer Composites(ASIAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, 2016) Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad, A.; Lyubchenko, V.; Kobylin, O.; Khan, A.Image processing is one of the fundamentals of various intelligence systems based on data analysis. It is caused by that the significant part of information about outward things can be received on the basis of the video data analysis about images of the real world. As an example, we reviewed the methodology of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. We have shown the need to apply the methodology of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. Such analysis uses various methods, approaches and theories where the special place is occupied by the procedures connected with recognition of scenes or separate objects, presented on incoming images. This allows you to improve the study of the properties of fiber as a reinforcing agent in polymer compositions.Публікація Image Processing as an Analysis Tool in Medical Research(IJAAR, 2022) Zeleniy, O.; Rudenko, D.; Lyubchenko, V.; Lyashenko, V.The process of research is an important part of the general ideology of knowledge, understanding of the processes that occur at the macro- and micro- levels. Therefore, various methods, procedures, and approaches are used here. Methods and approaches for image analysis are tools for understanding the surrounding world. This tool of knowledge is widely used in various fields of research, practical applications. Image processing and analysis makes it possible to visualize areas of the real world that are difficult to access or invisible to humans. Image processing can also improve the visualization of real world objects, understand the mechanisms of their interaction. One of these priority areas of research is medicine. In this case, we can see the variou s processes that occur in the body, identify the foci of diseases, understand the mechanism of the course of diseases, and diagnose various diseases. For these purposes, various methods and approaches for image processing and analysis are used: image quality improvement, noise removal, contour extraction for different objects in the image, image segmentation, identification of potential objects, object recognition. The use of these methods and approaches for the analysis of medical images and the sequence of u sing these methods depends on the problem that needs to be solved in the process of analyzing the original image. The paper considers some approaches to processing medical images. The features of the use and the expediency of applying certain approaches to image processing are noted. The results obtained are illustrated on real medical images. This allows us to better understand the logic of this study.Публікація Image Processing Techniques as a Tool for the Analysis of Liver Diseases(Research Science and Innovation house, 2023) Boboyorov Sardor Uchqun o‘g‘li; Lyubchenko, V.; Lyashenko, V.Identification of diseases and their successful treatment is largely determined by early diagnosis. This allows you to both prevent the development of the disease and get rid of possible negative consequences. Various data can be used for these purposes. We are looking at medical imaging techniques. Microscopic images of the liver, where manifestations of fatty disease are possible, were chosen as the object of study. The paper summarizes the general scheme of the corresponding analysis, and presents the results on real images.Публікація Interesting Applications of Mobile Robotic Motion by using Control Algorithms(WARSE, 2020) Mustafa, Syed Khalid; Kopot, M.; Ahmad, M. Ayaz; Lyubchenko, V.; Lyashenko, V.Robots are widely used in various fields of production. These complex technical devices are able to facilitate the work of man. Among the varieties of robots, it is necessary to highlight mobile robots. The ability to move expands the ability of robots to perform more complex tasks. The basis of mobile robots is their navigation system. Such a system consists of various algorithms that ensure the fulfillment of tasks. Among these algorithms, it is worth highlighting: robot control when avoiding obstacles, finding a directional path, general robot motion control. These issues are considered in this paper.Публікація Methodology of Correlation Analysis in Solution of a Problem of Normalization of Projective Image Transformations(IJSER, 2015) Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad, A.; Lyubchenko, V.; Kobylin, O.Processing and interpretation of images is one of composing systems of the intellectual analysis of data. It is caused by that the significant part of information about outward things can be received on the basis of the video data analysis about images of the real world. At that, such analysis uses various methods, approaches and theories where the special place is occupied by the procedures connected with recognition of scenes or separate objects, presented on incoming images. Thus, it is necessary to consider the fact, that incoming images owing to objective factors could be subject to various geometrical distortions. Such distortions impose the restrictions and features on possibility of application of separate approaches and methods to processing and interpretation of images. Hence, a procedure of correlation normalization of images which allows to compare and recognize images is considered in this work. The work proves the possibility of representation of projective group of transformations, as one of versions of geometrical distortions of the incoming image, in the form of composition of the basic, simple transformations which are also versions of geometrical distortions of the incoming image. At the same time, the expediency of application of a partial correlation method for realization of procedure of correlation normalization of images is considered. The formalized description of the offered procedure of correlation normalization of images is given. Examples of separate steps of realization of the offered procedure are resulted.Публікація The Methodology of Image Processing in the Study of the Properties of Fiber as a Reinforcing Agent in Polymer Compositions(IJARCS, 2016) Lyashenko, V.; Lyubchenko, V.; Mohammad, A.; Alveera, Khan; Kobylin, O.Fillers added to the matrix material help to enhance the properties of a composite. We reviewed the methodology of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. We have shown the need to apply the methodology of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. This allows you to improve the study of the properties of fiber as a reinforcing agent in polymer compositions.Публікація The study of blood smear as the analysis of images of various objects(Medicine Science, 2017) Lyashenko, V.; Babker, A.; Lyubchenko, V.Processing of microscope images in medicine is one of the priority research areas. Among the many medical imaging follows allocate the image of blood preparations. This is due to the fact that study of the image of blood preparations allows to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of human health state. However, the specific complexity of visualization process of blood preparations and their subsequent processing with the use of automated processing determine the necessity to study different possibilities to use any approaches for image processing. We consider the image of blood preparations is a complex image. For image analysis of blood preparations’ structure, we use the method of color segmentation. For image analysis, we also use the methodology of the human-machine. This allows you to clarify the structure of the image of blood preparations. We give some of examples that show the effectiveness of the proposed image processing of blood preparations.Публікація Wavelet Analysis of Cytological Preparations Image in Different Color Systems(Scientific Research Publishing, 2017) Lyashenko, V.; Babker, A.; Lyubchenko, V.Processing of microscope images in medicine is one of the priority research areas. At the same time, the processing of images of cytological preparations occupies a special place. This is due to the fact that such studies allow for a comprehensive diagnosis of the state of human health, identify and prevent the development of diseases in the early stages. But this requires the results of processing the original images, which provide additional information. To do this, we investigate the possibility of using wavelet analysis in color models RGB and HSV. We showed the importance of using the HSV model for more information. It is shown that the procedure for changing the contrast in the HSV model is better than the contrast change procedure in the RGB model when using wavelet analysis.