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Публікація Research and Development of Methods and Algorithms Non-hierarchical Clustering(ХНУРЭ, 2011) Stekh, Y.; Lobur, M.; Artsibasov, V.Researched and developed the methods and nonhierarchical clustering algorithms for determining the optimal initial number of clusters without any background information on the location of the clusters. The methods and algorithms are researched in the famous test set Iris.Публікація Spectral Analysis in Problems of Electromagnetic Sources Detection an Multilayer Structures Identification(ХНУРЭ, 2008) Synyavskyy, A.; Antonyuk, V.; Lobur, M.; Klepfer, Y.The principles of spectral estimation are investigated in this paper to develop a common approach to the solution of both localization problem of spatiallydistributed electromagnetic sources and identification problem of multilayer structures. The process of experimental data registration in a linear antenna array and multi-frequency means of multilayer structure non-destructive evaluation is described by proposed identical models. The order and parameters of the models are determined by mean of stochastic approach to the spectral estimation, which allows to obtain higher spectral resolution and accuracy in case of low signal to noise ratio.Публікація The Efficiency Analysis of Collaborative Computer-Aided Design(ХНУРЭ, 2011) Lebedieva, O.; Matviykiv, O.; Lobur, M.In this paper the main components of collaborative distributed CAD, the basic requirements to realization of collaborative distributed CAD levels, collaborative project management model and collaborative project efficiency parameters are given.Публікація Variants of Topology Editing Strategy in the Subsystem of Printed Circuit Boards Manufacturability Improvement(ХНУРЭ, 2011) Panchak, R.; Kolesnyk, K.; Lobur, M.This paper focuses on the variants of printed circuit boards topology editing strategies implemented in the subsystem of automatic printed circuit boards topology editing. Depending on the requirements for printed circuit board topology, a subsystem user can create variants of editing strategies in order to minimize the amount of the technologically justified places with a minimum clearance between the elements of the topology.