Перегляд за автором "Levykin, V."
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Публікація Developing the models of patterns in the design of requirements to an information system at the knowledge level(2017) Levykin, V.; Ievlanov, M.; Neumyvakina, O.Results of research into mining and processing of knowledge from IS requirements were analyzed. Modification of the frame-based model of knowledge that allows description of knowledge about structures of data and interaction processes is considered. The essence of modification is to extend the frame with descriptions of a totality of methods, associated with a frame as a whole, as well as descriptions of interfaces of a frame. This modification also makes it possible in a formalized way to describe the problem of automated synthesis of IS information and software as a set of one-to-one map¬pings of frame descriptions. Theoretical-multiple models of structural IS requirements de¬sign patterns at the knowledge level were developed. These models allow describing the knowledge, derived from IS requirements de-scriptions in the form of a network of frames. This network consists of individual frames, interfaces of frames and relationships between them. The use of these models makes it possible to formalize the process of designing of IS architecture based on knowledge, derived from IS requirements descriptions, which significantly reduces the time spent on IS creation. Theoretical-multiple models of behavioral IS requirements de¬sign patterns at the knowledge level were developed. These models establish the main features of operations of addition, modifications and deletion of elements of structural IS requirements design pat¬terns. In addition, developed models describe operations on forma¬tion of knowledge-oriented descriptions of IS architecture in the form of a network of frames and interfaces. Application of these models enables us to standardize implementation of operations on the knowledge, derived from patterns, and on patterns of designing structural frames. It was proposed to consider implementation of the developed models in the form of specialized data showcases and sets of SQL-commands that implement developed behavioral patterns Розглянуто задачу розробки математичних моделей патернів проектування вимог до систе-ми. Розроблені моделі дозволяють формалізу¬вати представлення вимог до системи на рівні знань. Використання даних моделей дозволяє підвищити ефективність виконання ІТ-проектів створення інформаційних систем за рахунок пов¬торного використання елементів, що були розро¬блені в попередніх ІТ-проектах Рассмотрена задача разработки матема¬тических моделей паттернов проектирования требований к системе. Разработанные модели позволяют формализовать представления тре¬бований к системе на уровне знаний. Применение данных моделей позволяет повысить эффектив¬ность выполнения IT-проектов создания инфор¬мационных систем за счет повторного использо¬вания элементов, разработанных в предыдущих IT-проектахПублікація Development of a model for determining the alignment of it-services of the information system with the end-user requirements(2017) Levykin, V.; Iuriev, I.Issues of determining an alignment of the IT-services of the information system of an enterprise with the functional end-user requirements are considered. Such alignment is established for the information systems with service-oriented architecture. A description of relationship between a set of IT-services and the set of requirements is considered to be extremely difficult. That is why in order to solve this problem, it is proposed to use a categorical apparatus. In the work, models of the structure of IT-services and the structure of end-user requirements were developed. We defined structured sets and representations, which form a mathematical model of the structure of IT-services of an enterprise information system. Functionality of the morphisms, describing relationships between objects in a category of IT-services, was confirmed by commutative diagrams. To determine a category of the end-user requirements, the sets of objects and corresponding morphisms were assigned. The objects of end-user requirements include: a set of requirements from an enterprise, a set of requirements of subdivisions, a set of personal requirements by particular employees of the enterprise. The categories of IT-services and end-user requirements are described in the form of structured sets and morphisms. Relationships between the introduced categories are described by the appropriate functor. Functionality of relationship between a category of IT-services and the category of end-user requirements is explained by the alignment of selection of IT-services with the implementation of a specific list of functional requirements. Implementation of such alignment is carried out using the introduced morphisms, which can be realized through visual models in the form of UML diagrams. In summary, we obtained a categorical model for determining the alignment of IT-services of the information system with the end-user requirements. Розглянуто питання визначення відповідності між ІТ-сервісами інформаційної системи підприємства і функціональними вимогами кінцевих користувачів. Опис зв'язку між безліччю ІТ-сервісів підприємства і безліччю функціональних вимог вважається вкрай складним. Вирішення цієї проблеми було отримано із застосуванням математичного апарату теорії категорій. В результаті отримана математична модель визначення відповідності ІТ-сервісів вимогам кінцевих користувачів.Публікація Development of an approach to mathematical description of imbalance in methabolic processes for its application in the medical diagnostic information system(Eastern european jornal of enterprise technologies, 2018) Dobrorodnia, H.; Vуsotska, O.; Georgiyants, M.; Balym, Y.; Rak, L.; Kolesnikova, O.; Levykin, V.; Dovnar, O.; Nosov, K.; Porvan, A.The problem of diagnosing the metabolic syndrome associated with disturbance of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism was considered in this work. A new approach to determination of imbalance of metabolic processes was proposed. It is based on combining of the flow cultivator and the Lotka-Volterra models. Application of the model of flow cultivator provides an opportunity for objective assessment of initial conditions of behavior of the system acting as a human body and enables time matching of the model basic parameters. Initial conditions for modeling metabolic processes were determined using the Lotka-Volterra model. Use of these conditions makes it possible to determine stability of metabolic processes taking into account individual values of waist and hip circumference, weight, heart rate, age, systolic and diastolic pressure and the calculated Harris-Benedict value. Cross-checking for a possible development of metabolic processes in people with normal and impaired metabolism has shown that the developed approach can be used in medical institutions for the early diagnosis of metabolic disorders. To establish balance of the metabolic processes that are characteristic of people without and with metabolic disorders, retrospective data of examination of 155 young people who were under observation for several years at Kharkiv municipal clinical hospital No. 11, Ukraine, have been analyzed. The proposed approach is the basis of mathematical support of the medical diagnostic information system for detecting imbalance of metabolic processes which is developed currently. Application of such a system in the future will make it possible to study in detail the influence of various gender, territorial and age characteristics on the balance of metabolic processes in the human body.Публікація Method of Elimination Data Sources Conflicts in Information System(2008) Levykin, V.; Evlanov, M.Use of modern object-oriented methods of designing of information systems (IS) both descriptions of interrelations IS and automated with its help business-processes of the enterprises leads to necessity of construction uniform complete IS on the basis of set of local model of such systems. As a result of use of such approach there are the contradictions caused by inconsistency of the point of view of separate users IS. Besides similar contradictions arise while in service IS at the enterprise. It is necessary to note also, that now overhelming majority IS is developed and maintained as set of separate functional modules in uniform system can lead to a lot of problems. Among this problems it is possible to specify, for example, presence in modules of functions which are not used by the enterprise to destination, to complexity of information and program integration of modules of various manufactures, etc. In most cases there contradictions and the reasons, their caused, are consequence of primary representation IS as equilibrium steady system.