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Публікація Analysis of Features and Possibilities of Bank Functioning Efficiency Based on the Method of Stochastic Frontiers(Institute of Information Theories and Applications, 2013) Kuzemin, O.; Lyashenko, V.Given paper shows the importance of analyzing the banks performance in the process of their operation and development. The place and the role of researching of stochastic frontiers method for the banks performance assessment have been defined. The features and the possibility of assessing efficiency of banks activity with the usage of the of the stochastic frontiersmethod have been studied. The examples of performance assessment of banks activity in the aspect of the credit extension have been given. The expediency of the consideration of the multiple stochastic frontiers in the assessment of the effectiveness of the banks activities has been proved.Публікація Microsituation Concept in GMES Decision Support Systems(Sofia: ITHEA, 2011) Kuzemin, O.; Lyashenko, V.A set of situation representation levels of subject domain naturally increases in emergency situations. This is connected with increased influence of subject domain factors on prototype system, independently of emergency conditions. So, for emergency situations of possible snow avalanches microsituations could differ of small differences of temperature or changes in wind speed. Development of financial crisis as emergency economic situation is characterized by separate characteristics of microsituations of different facilities, involved in economical process. Hence, situation includes a set of separate microsituations, each describing properties of prototype system in some characteristic category of its subject domain. Such categories for subject domain could represent internal and external processes, characteristics, advices both from prototype system’s point of view and set of factors which influence from subject domain to prototype system. Separate set of such characteristics without interconnections could hardly precisely describe a situation, because such characteristics are interconnected with each other, involved in different process of prototype system studying.Публікація Microsituations as part of the formalization of avalanche climate to avalanche-riskiness and avalanche-safety classes in the emergency situations separation(International Journal of Advanced Research, 2015) M. Ayaz Ahmad; Kuzemin, O.; Lyashenko, V.; N. Ameer AhamadNeed to ensure the safety of human life is inextricably linked to the various emergencies studies and experimental analysis. One of the most emergencies manifestations is avalanching. In this case, analysis and forecasting of avalanches is still quite challenging. This is due to the fact that the solution of such problems is largely determined by adequate and interconnected representation of existing diversity of avalanches parameters occurrence. To solve this problem, we consider the concept of microsituat ions, which is used for a formalized description of emergency avalanche climate, dividing it into avalanche-riskiness and avalanche-safety classes. As a result of such a description was developed a method for the distribution of avalanche climate emergencies to avalanche-riskiness and avalanche safety classes, was proposed the considered method implementation scheme for selection of avalanche-riskiness and avalanche-safety classes from the analyzed set of emergencies.