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Публікація Analysis of Uncertainty in Dynamic Processes Development of Banks Functioning(«European Researcher» (Европейский исследователь), 2013) Kuzemin, A.; Lyashenko, V.; Korovyakovskii, A.; Куземин, А. Я.; Ляшенко, В. В.; Коровяковский, А.The paper offers the approach to measure of uncertainty estimation in dynamic processes of banks functioning, using statistic data of different banking operations indicators. To calculate measure of uncertainty in dynamic processes of banks functioning the phase images of relevant sets of statistic data are considered. Besides, it is shown that the form of phase image of the studied sets of statistic data can act as a basis of measure of uncertainty estimation in dynamic processes of banks functioning. The set of analytical characteristics are offered to formalize the form of phase image definition of the studied sets of statistic data. It is shown that the offered analytical characteristics consider inequality of changes in values of the studied sets of statistic data, which is one of the ways of uncertainty display in dynamic processes development. The invariant estimates of measure of uncertainty in dynamic processes of banks functioning, considering significant changes in absolute values of the same indicators for different banks were obtained. The examples of calculation of measure of uncertainty in dynamic processes of concrete banks functioning were cited. Основываясь на статистических данных различных показателей банковской деятельности, в работе предложен подход к оценке меры неопределенности в развитии динамических процессов функционирования банков. Для вычисления оценки меры неопределенности в развитии динамических процессов функционирования банков предлагается рассматривать фазовые портреты соответствующих статистических рядов данных. При этом показано, что основой рассмотрения предполагаемой оценки меры неопределенности в развитии динамических процессов функционирования банков может быть форма фазового портрета исследуемых статистических рядов данных. Для формализации формы описания фазовых портретов исследуемых статистических рядов данных предложен ряд аналитических зависимостей. Показано, что предложенные аналитические зависимости учитывают неравномерность динамики значений исследуемых статистических рядов данных, что является одним из видов проявления неопределенности в развитии динамических процессов. Получены инвариантные оценки меры неопределенности в развитии динамических процессов функционирования банков, учитывающие значительные отличия в абсолютных значениях одних и тех же показателей для разных банков. Приведены примеры расчета оценки меры неопределенности в развитии динамических процессов функционирования реальных банков.Публікація Common methodology of data analysis of natural disasters(GJESRM, 2016) Mohammad, A.; Kuzemin, A.; Lyashenko, V.; Tkachenko, B.Providing of safe human life is very connected with research and analysis of different disasters. Among of different disasters, there is a special place for natural disasters (ND), because ND have significant influence on human life. One of the methods to prevent uncontrolled ND influence on human life is wide data research which are connected with appearance and distribution of ND. Thus, in this work researched the whole methodology of data analysis of ND. Basis of this methodology is statistic model of ND data analysis and development of forecast ranking of ND development.Публікація Preventing of Technogenic Risks in the Functioning of an Industrial Enterprise(IAEME publication, 2016) Kuzemin, A.; Mohammad, A.; Kots, G.; Lyashenko, V.; Tkachenko, M.Providing safety of human life is inextricably linked to the study and analysis of the various emergency situations. At the same time a special place in this analysis is given to research the effect of the natural diseases on th ability of the possibility of occurrence and spread of the technogenic risk in the functioning of the industrial enterprise. To solve a problem The paper considers the basic principles of construction of distributed geographic information system for the management of technological risks in the functioning of industrial enterprise in case of natural emergencies. Disclosed some issues of functioning of specialized geoinformation systems preventing of technogenic risks in the functioning of an industrial enterprise.Публікація Some statistical evaluation on the development of individual groups in the European economies banking sector(MIBES, 2013) Kuzemin, A.; Lyashenko, V.; Taranukha, K.Economic development is not possible without taking into account the changes occurring in the financial markets. Thus, one of the key values in the structure of the financial market is given to banking sector. At the same time, in the context of globalization and close economic relationship between the countries, financial turmoil within one country will sooner or later have an impact on the development of individual segments of the global financial market as a whole. The more such events of financial distress, the bigger the level of country integration into the global system of economic and financial relations, the higher the degree of the corresponding negative impact. Based on these individual statistical indicators of banking sectors of different groups of European countries were described in the paper. The distinction and a certain degree of similarity are shown in the processes that characterize the development of banking sectors of different economies. Based on regression analysis the prevailing dependence of banking sectors performance in the various groups of countries in Europe was revealed, as well as some similarities. This allowed us to draw conclusions about defining role in the development of banks inside the structure of banking sector of the economy and the possibility of using some similar approaches to address issues related to the development of the banking sector in each country separately.