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Публікація Cyber Physical Social Systems – Future of Ukraine(EWDTS, 2014) Hahanov, V.; Gharibi, W.; Kudin, A. P.; Hahanov, I.; Ngene, C.; Yeve, T.; Krulevska, D.; Yerchenko, A.; Mishchenko, A.; Shcherbin, D.; Priymak, A.A fundamental solution of topical problem for economic, social and technological future of Ukraine and the world is proposed. The problem lies in the elimination of corruption through the formation and implementation of the state program «Creation of Cyber Physical Space for Digital Monitoring Technological Processes and Optimal Resource Management in order to Achieve Socially Important Goals». The cyber technology for human-free managing social resources (staff and finance) includes two cloud service: 1) the distribution of government contracts and finance between the structures, undertakings and entities, based on competition of their competence matrices for a given metric; 2) allocation of staff vacancies in scalable social groups based on competition of the competence matrices of applicants for a given metric. The competence metric is a measuring method of the distance between objects or processes based on the use of the parameter vector that defines the space or a competence matrix of a person or social group in real time. A competence matrix is a model of integrated activity and skills of a person or social group at a given metric and time interval. As an alternative solution of the problem it is considered a cyber physical system for managing human and financial resources (Cyber Social Systems - CSS), as a scalable cloud service, available to the social groups, government agencies, private companies and private individuals; it provides lifelong monitoring competencies of corresponding subjects in real time in order to carry out cyber staff management through appropriate career, moral and material incentives according to the results of their constructive activity. The cyber social system is focused on the total destruction of the corruption in the actions of managers at all levels by eliminating the subjectivity in the management of human and financial resources on the basis of the transfer of the official functions to independent cloud cyber service. The system consists of two interacting components: 1) accumulative monitoring of all kinds of human (social group) activity that generates a competence matrix in realtime; 2) the optimal management through career, moral and material incentives of individuals and social formations based on the analysis and rating of the corresponding competence matrices. A cyber system is based on the use of the following technologies: Big Data, Internet of Things, Smart Everything, parallel virtual processors and focused on serving individuals, government agencies and companies. For each subject two unique metrics of competencies are generated: 1) the gold standard of indexes for each category of professional activity; 2) the current competence matrix of the subjects filled in the process of their life, which are ranked by metrical comparison or evaluation of the results of work with standard or better values.