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Публікація Assessment of logistics service quality based on the application of fuzzy methods modeling(Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2022) Kolodizieva, T.; Zhelezniakova, E.; Melnykova, K.; Pysmak, V.; Kolodiziev, O.Improving the logistics service quality (LSQ) requires its assessment to identify appropriate reserves, which actualizes the scientific task of improving the appropriate methodological support for LSQ assessment. The purpose of this paper is to develop a model for assessing the quality of logistics services based on a specified list of criteria, their grouping, and the application of the mathematical apparatus of the fuzzy sets theory. The study substantiates the expediency of using the fuzzy set method to assess the quality of logistics service and builds an LSQ assessment model that includes 12 criteria grouped into four groups: company reputation, product availability/quality, reliability/flexibility, and consumer service. As a result of assessing the quality of logistics service, an integral indicator was obtained, which made it possible to determine the evaluations of its components: product availability/quality is rated high; reliability/flexibility – average; consumer service – good; and company reputation – poor. The obtained results indicate that such an aspect of logistics service quality assessment as company reputation needs particular attention, which confirms the modern trend of prioritizing the perception of the quality of logistics service, personal service/contact, and empathy by customers. Therefore, customers' perception of the quality of logistics service becomes a decisive factor in the competitive struggle in the logistics services market. Moreover, it is a bottleneck in the process of increasing LSQ, which requires further research to develop appropriate management mechanisms.Публікація The social responsibility of dual education in an unstable environment(2023) Kolodiziev, O.; Shcherbak, V.; Krupka, M.; Kovalenko, V.; Kolodizieva, T.; Yatsenko, V.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In a context of instability caused by various crises, including military crises, the higher education system is at great risk. Practice-oriented (dual) education is one of the most effective ways to address this problem. The innovation of this study is that for the first time a theoretical and practical model for involving all stakeholders in this process has been created and tested. The aim of the article is to substantiate a socially responsible dual education system in an unstable environment. METHODS: In terms of objective, this is an applied and quantitative study. The study population is estimated at 13 universities, 10 companies, 50 students between November 2021 and November 2022. The sample size is estimated using the Cochrane formula. A standard 5-point Likert scale questionnaire was used to collect data, where groups of questions corresponded to 4 hypotheses. All data were investigated by factor and cluster analysis using STATISTICA software (version 10.0). FINDINGS: All four hypotheses were confirmed. Before the war, the first and second hypotheses were prioritized. According to them, the process approach of social responsibility of dual education allows designing and launching a system of social responsibility of dual education and creating a talent pool at the employing enterprise. After the outbreak of hostilities, the priorities changed. The third and fourth hypotheses allow, through the organization of supportive (enabling) processes, to ensure the effective functioning of the system. As a result, the majority of stakeholders (31%) consider it necessary to modernize the mentoring system and provide graduates with relevant professional skills, while methodological and career guidance came in second and third (16% and 13% respectively). CONCLUSION: Using the theoretical and practical model of formation and implementation of dual education in the unstable conditions of Ukraine will help to solve the problems of the country out of crisis, post-war recovery of higher education system, to bring the requirements of production with the possibilities of training specialists in universities and can be applied in other countries in a similar situation.