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Публікація Image Processing a New Era in the Study of Natural Polymer Composites(ASIAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, 2016) Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad, A.; Lyubchenko, V.; Kobylin, O.; Khan, A.Image processing is one of the fundamentals of various intelligence systems based on data analysis. It is caused by that the significant part of information about outward things can be received on the basis of the video data analysis about images of the real world. As an example, we reviewed the methodology of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. We have shown the need to apply the methodology of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. Such analysis uses various methods, approaches and theories where the special place is occupied by the procedures connected with recognition of scenes or separate objects, presented on incoming images. This allows you to improve the study of the properties of fiber as a reinforcing agent in polymer compositions.Публікація Study of Composite Materials for the Engineering using Wavelet Analysis and Image Processing Technology(TJPRC, 2017) Lyashenko, V.; Mohammad, A.; Kobylin, O.; Khan, A.Wavelet analysis and image processing technologies are important Tools for data analysis. We can apply these tools to the science of materials and polymers. This is important for the use of composite materials in engineering. We reviewed the methodology for wavelet analysis of image processing in the study of polymer compositions. We also use the contrasting procedure to improve the wavelet analysis. This allows you to improve the study of the properties of fiber as a reinforcing agent in polymer compositions for use in engineering. In this paper experiments had been held. The results presented here were found satisfactory and also are in good agreement with our earlier work and some other worker in the same field.Публікація Synthesis of Alumina Fibre by Annealing Method Using Coir Fibre(SCIENCEDOMAIN international, 2016) Khan, A.; Mohammad, A.; Shirish, J.; Lyashenko, V.The present study reports the synthesis of coir fibre treated with alumina salt by using of the annealing method. In this study chemical treatment of coir fibre has been done using a nitro compounds at higher temperature. The composite formed after the chemical treatment and has been characterized by X-ray diffraction for the determination of peaks of composites, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and FTIR technique. The successful synthesis of alumina fibre has been confirmed that chemically treated fibre is not fully bonded but is in poor contact with the matrix. Chemically treated fibre could not adhere with the epoxy matrix and therefore interfacial bonding is poor.Публікація The Pre-Processing of Images Technique for the Material Samples in the Study of Natural Polymer Composites(AJER, 2016) Putyatin, Y.; Mohammad, A.; Lyashenko, V.; Khan, A.The image processing analysis is one of the most powerful tool in various research fields, especially in material / polymer science. Therefore in the present article an attempt has been made for study of pre-processing of images technique of the material samples during the images taken out by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). First we prepared the material samples with coir fibre (natural) and its polymer composite after that the image analysis has been performed by SEM technique and later on the said studies have been conducted. The results presented here were found satisfactory and also are in good agreement with our earlier work and some other worker in the same field.