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Публікація Dynamic load balancing algorithm of distributed systems(2016) Ivanisenko, I.; Kirichenko, L.; Radivilova, T.The dynamic load balancing algorithm based on the monitoring server load, self-similar characteristics of passing traffic have to provide a statistically uniform load distribution on servers, high performance, fault tolerance and capacity, low response time, the amount of overhead and losses was propose in work. Integrated measurement for the total imbalance level of the system were entered.Публікація Investigation of multifractal properties of additive data stream(Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016) Radivilova, T.; Ivanisenko, I.; Kirichenko, L.The work presents results of a numerical study of fractal characteristics of multifractal stream at addition of stream, which does not have multifractal properties. They showed that the generalized Hurst exponent of total stream tends to one of original multifractal stream with increase in signal/noise ratio.Публікація Investigation of Self-similar Properties of Additive Data Traffic(Lviv, 2015) Radivilova, T.; Ivanisenko, I.; Kirichenko, L.Публікація Survey of major load balancing algorithms in distributed system(2015) Radivilova, T.; Ivanisenko, I.The classification of the most used load balancing algorithms in distributed systems (including cloud technology, cluster systems, grid systems) is described. Comparative analysis of types of the load balancing algorithms is conducted in accordance with the classification, the advantages and drawbacks of each type of the algorithms are shown. Performance indicators characterizing each algorithm are indicated. The most used load balancing algorithms of distributed systems are classified according to different types in this work. Based on the performed analysis of classification types of the load balancing algorithms the scope of each type of algorithms is indicated, the algorithms types necessary operation requirements are defined, defaults of each type of algorithms are shown. In this way one can select a particular type of the load balancing algorithm based on the specifics of a particular project or executable task, and the goals to be achieved. The description of the main features of load balancing algorithms, analysis of their advantages and defaults are also presented in this work. A comparative analysis of different load balancing algorithms on various performance metrics is carried out, i.e., the efficiency indicators are shown for each algorithm used in it. It is planned to realize a comparative analysis of the load balancing algorithms with different capacity in a variety of distributed systems: cloud, cluster and grid systems.Публікація The Multifractal Load Balancing Method(KHARKIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF RADIO ELECTRONICS, 2015) Radivilova, T.; Ivanisenko, I.The load-balancing system, built on the basis of a subsystem load balancer and subsystem control and monitoring that closely interact with each other was propose in work. This system is presented as a queuing system with priority service discipline. In the described queuing system parallel processing flow applications occur in the multiple serving devices and successive junction of them into unified stream is done. The method of multifractal load balancing is submited on the basis of the developed system of load balancing.