Перегляд за автором "Isaeva, O."
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Публікація Bestimmung des Hauttyps(ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2020) Isaeva, O.; Korin, S.Розглядаються основні типи шкіри людини та основні дерматологічні захворюванняПублікація Development of an automated system for video dermatoscopy(KNURE, 2019) Isaeva, O.; Аврунін, О. Г.Development of an automated system for video dermatoscopy is described.Публікація Development of Automated System for Video Intermatoscopy(RS Global Sp. z O.O. Warsaw, Poland, 2019) Аврунін, О. Г.; Klymenko, V.; Trubitcin, A.; Isaeva, O.The work is devoted to the development of an automated system for video dermatoscopy. The main approaches in the design of such systems, methodological support and structural modules are considered. The main stages of the digital processing of dermatoscopic images are proposed. The main focus is on the methods of automated segmentation of dermatoscopy images and the analysis of the errors that arise. The processing of heterogeneous medical data requires an integrated approach aimed at developing complete specialized diagnostic systems taking into account the specifics of a particular area and the nature of the images obtained. The stages of preprocessing, segmentation, description, and analysis of digital dermatoscopy images are considered in detail related to each other. The diagnostic capabilities of the digital dermatoscopy method are discussed. The main aspects of the automated analysis of the processing of dermatoscopic images and the prospects for the use of such systems in medical practice are considered.