Перегляд за автором "Herasimov, S."
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Публікація Automated decision-making system for management of information protection channels(Національна академія Національної гвардії України, 2024) Herasimov, S.; Shmatko, O.Decision-making tasks when managing information security channels are not automated at a sufficient level [1, 2]. This leads to the fact that decisions to block information ransmission channels are made on the basis of subjective assessments of decision makers (DMs), or using insufficiently complete information models. At the same time, in the process of functioning of information transmission channels, the results of the work of bodies identifying and blocking information leakage channels are poorly taken into accountПублікація Combined method for air objects motion parameters determining by the radio system with a quasi-continuous radiation system(НАСВ, 2020) Roshchupkin, E.; Herasimov, S.; Roshchupkina, A.; Kukobko, S.The total radiation time reducing during the shelling of air objects is possible by more accurate measurements of their motion parameters, which are used in the guided weapons guiding. The method of air objects movement parameters determining by radio system with quasi-continuous radiation is proposed. The method takes into account not only the results of spherical coordinates (azimuth, elevation, range and their increment) measurements, but also the results of radial velocities measurements. At the same time, it is taken into account that one of the information processing problems in multi-position radio systems is using of the own coordinate system in individual points of the system. This necessitates the received coordinate information recalculation into a single coordinate system with its subsequent issuance to the final consumer (anti-aircraft system). The nonlinear relationship of the spherical coordinates and radial velocities estimates, obtained by separate means, with the single coordinate system (usually rectangular) in the fluctuation measurement errors presence leads to the appearance of systematic errors that must be taken into account. This is due to the fact that final consumers include narrowly targeted antenna systems with limited search capabilities. The systematic errors in coordinate information can lead to an increase in the time spent on target designation or the inability to complete the task. It is shown that taking into account the correlation matrices of targets coordinates recalculating errors, when combining estimates of spherical coordinates and radial velocities obtained from several information sources, makes it possible to increase the accuracy characteristics of air objects motion parameters estimates. Improving the accuracy characteristics of air objects motion parameters estimates increases the accuracy of guided weapons guidance and, as a result, reduces the required radiation time during air target shelling.Публікація Parameters of monitoring the technical condition of airspace radio engineering monitoring systems(National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, 2022) Herasimov, S.; Roshchupkin, E.The report presents an algorithm for substantiating the parameters of control of the technical condition of the radio systems airspace monitoring. According to the main characteristics of airspace monitoring systems, it is proposed to use: the working range of the radio systems in range (limited to the minimum and maximum range of air target detection); the area between the minimum and maximum azimuth values; the area between the minimum and maximum value of the angle; the area of detection of the air target in height; the number of measuring coordinates and the accuracy of measuring parameters (determined by error). The use of the proposed algorithm will increase the reliability of control of the technical condition of the radio systems airspace monitoring during operation, which will increase the efficiency of their intended use.Публікація Synthesis of digital generators for monitoring the technical condition of users' radio navigation systems(Національна академія Національної гвардії України, 2024) Herasimov, S.; Roshchupkin, Y.Today, radio navigation systems of various users (vehicles, water, air transport, gas transport network, cellular communication equipment, etc.) ensure not only the safety of movement, but also provide accurate coordinates in the event of emergency events (accidents).Публікація The strobes sizes justification during identifying information in a multi-position survey radars system(Національна академія Національної гвардії України, 2021) Herasimov, S.; Kukobko, S.; Roshchupkin, E.; Roshchupkina, A.The report contains relations characterizing the influence of the errors on the accuracy characteristics of the system. It is shown that in some cases (a system of highly mobile survey radars, for example), the influence of the corresponding errors can be very significant, and leads to the need to increase the identification strobe size by several times. The algorithm for ―adaptive‖ changes in identification strobes, which allows one to estimate and take into account the errors of topographic location, orientation, leveling and time synchronization, based on the results of previous measurements by the system at the same positions, is presented.