Перегляд за автором "Egorov, A. M."
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Публікація Genertion UWB signal at energization of a helical antenna hige-current reb(2006) Chumakov, V. I.; Balakirev, V. A.; Gorban, A. M.; Egorov, A. M.; Kantemirov, A. V.; Lonin, Yu. F.In operation the possibility of generation of UWB signal was researched at excitement of a helical antenna by a high-current relativistic bundle of nanosecond duration. The experiments were conducted on a high-current relativistic accelerator REB "Темр-А" with parameters: Eb ~ 0,5 .1,0 МeV, Ib ~ 5 -10 кА, duration of a ~15nс., at the value of a leading edge ~ 1...2 nс. The calculation data of a helical antenna and parameters of a generated UWB signal are reducedПублікація Simulation of the thermal mechanizm in semiconductors under action of pulsed electromagnetic field(2004) Chumakov, V. I.; Slipchenko, N. I.; Stolarhuk, A. V.; Egorov, A. M.; Lonin, Yu. F.The paper presents a model taking into account the time character of heat localization and distribution in semiconductor devices unlike the classical Wunsch-Bell linear model describing the thermal mechanism of EM-radiation action on REA. The classification of action levels is given. The nonlinear model permitting to determine the time boundary of heat propagation in the semiconductor device is presented. In the time range t>tcr a uniform volumetric heating of the object takes place, and for t