Перегляд за автором "Edaan, Esraa M."
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Публікація Corrosion as a Source of Destruction in Construction(IAEME Publication, 2018) Al-Sherrawi, Mohannad H.; Lyashenko, V.; Edaan, Esraa M.; Sotnik, S.In this paper the analysis of the corrosion basic types destructions on an example of buildings constructions is carried out and the basic requirements to materials for designs in construction are defined. A classification of corrosion damage is proposed, which became a prerequisite for selecting the main indicators of materials that maximally affect the quality and durability. The main methods for determining the main indicators of corrosion damage are identified.Публікація Corrosion of Metal Construction Structures(IAEME Publication, 2018) Al-Sherrawi, Mohannad H.; Lyashenko, V.; Edaan, Esraa M.; Sotnik, S.The paper considers the main types of corrosion taking into account the direction of corrosion processes. The main parameters of metal building structures corrosion and factors that have a significant influence on these parameters are taken into account, which can influence the increase of such structures longevity. One of the main factors of corrosion rate determining is the humidity of air and dust deposited on surface from atmosphere at production emissions.