Перегляд за автором "Deineko, Zh."
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Публікація Color space image as a factor in the choice of its processing technology(2021) Deineko, Zh.; Zeleniy, O.; Lyashenko, V.; Tabakova, I.Information plays an important role in the modern world. Information becomes the basis for the functioning of various spheres of human activity, the development of production and the economy. Information takes the lead when everything goes digital.Публікація Confidentiality of Information when Using QR-Coding(IJAISR, 2022) Deineko, Zh.; Sotnik, S.; Lyashenko, V.This work is overview in field of QR codes and their application. The main attention is paid to confidentiality of personal data both when using QR codes and when creating them. The key rules for coding are given. The paper contains main recommendations in order to prevent involuntary transfer of their personal data. Also identified are key aspects that you need to pay attention to in order to make sure that QR-code is secure.Публікація Dynamic and Static QR Coding(IJAER, 2022) Deineko, Zh.; Sotnik, S.; Lyashenko, V.This work is overview in field of dynamic and static QR-coding. The main attention is paid to peculiarities of using dynamic and static QR codes. The paper proposes classification of QR-codes. Key code characteristics that you should pay attention to when selecting and writing code have also been identified. A comparison of dynamic and static QR-coding is given.Публікація Features of Database Types(IJEAIS, 2021) Deineko, Zh.; Sotnik, S.; Vovk, O.; Lyashenko, V.Research in field of developing databases and working with modern applications, their implementation in modern enterprises is constantly expanding, so issue of researching database features still requires further attention. This paper discusses functions that typical database management system (DBMS) should provide. The review is devoted to highlighting advantages and disadvantages of existing databases. The article summarizes material on key aspects that should be present in modern DBMS, which will allow you to better understand procedures for building, working and using them.Публікація Guilloche rosette as an element of building complex geometric structures(2023) Deineko, Zh.; Shakurova, T.; Lyashenko, V.Geometry as one of the tools of cognition is widely in demand in various fields and directions. One application of this use is the construction of complex geometric structures. In particular, this is possible based on the guilloche technology, which allows the formation of patterned curves. Based on this, the work discusses some approaches to constructing guilloche rosettes. Complex geometric designs using guilloche are presented. The results are presented in the form of separate figures. Some problematic issues are also discussed.Публікація Key Directions for Development of Modern Expert Systems(International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems, 2022) Sotnik, S.; Deineko, Zh.; Lyashenko, V.The paper reviews areas of application modern expert systems, on basis of which advantages and disadvantages of using ES are considered; main components of typical ES. The paper highlights features of expert systems it is proposed to include criteria for applicability of such systems. In course of review, classification was given, including nine features by which ES can be considered, which differs from existing ones in that it is proposed to take into account features of systems use and type of computer. A general overview of use of ES over past two years in various areas, from production to agriculture, has been carried out.Публікація Multimedia Systems in Education(IJAISR, 2022) Deineko, Zh.; Sotnik, S.; Lyashenko, V.The paper conducts review of multimedia systems in education, during which advantages and features of application are highlighted. Educational electronic resources in education are described in detail. The main elements of MS are given, three main types of such systems are considered (H-media, Interactive and Live video); examples are given and advantages and disadvantages of each are defined. During analysis of MS use in education, 4 main characteristics and key principles of such systems that must be adhered to when creating multimedia are highlighted.Публікація QR Code as an Element of Educational Activity(IJAISR, 2022) Deineko, Zh.; Kraievska, N.; Lyashenko, V.Educational activity is one of the directions, which in its development uses various advanced technologies. This makes it possible to increase the attractiveness of the learning process, various professions, attract potential applicants, and develop the necessary skills of students. Advanced technologies also make it possible to improve the learning process, to present the material being studied in a new way. Among such new technologies, the use of QR codes in educational activities should be noted. Based on this, the paper considers: types of codes, levels of error correction in QR codes, the main directions for using QR codes. Th e paper also provides some examples of QR codes in the form of separate figures. This allows you to better understand the material presented.Публікація Research of Phishing-Attacks Dynamics by the Wavelet-Analysis Method(ХНУРЕ, 2018) Deineko, Zh.; Draz, D.wavelet-analysis wavelet-energy time series Phishing-attack вейвлет-аналіз вейвлет-енергія временной ряд Phishing-атаки In the article, the problems of research and forecasting of Phishing-attacks by a method of discrete wavelet transformation are considered. A discrete wavelet transformation method for estimating of the probability of Phishing-attacks is proposed; features of using the basic characteristics of wavelet-analysis for the study of time series are shown. On the example of real data, confirmed by Phishing-attacks, a long-term dependence is revealed, which can be used to justify the forecasts of the occurrence of Phishing attacks. У статті розглянуті питання дослідження і прогнозування Phishing-атак методом дискретного вейвлет перетворення. Пропонується метод дискретного вейвлетперетворення для оцінки ймовірності Phishing-атак, показані особливості використання основних характеристик вейвлет-аналізу для дослідження часових рядів. На прикладі реальних даних, підтверджених Phishing-атак, виявлена довгострокова залежність, що може бути використано для обґрунтування прогнозів виникнення Phishing-атак.Публікація Usage and Application Prospects QR Codes(IJEAIS, 2022) Deineko, Zh.; Sotnik, S.; Lyashenko, V.The paper considers 6 types of QR codes and real examples of their application, as a result, diagram visualizing the general statistics of the use of QR codes in 4 most promising areas is presented. This article is an overview of QR codes wit h their characteristics and versions. The article briefly presents applications for Android and devices for access control with ability to read barcodes, analyzing their functions and formats.Публікація Wavelet ideology as a universal tool for data processing and analysis: some application examples(IJARW Journals, 2021-09-28) Lyashenko, V.; Deineko, Zh.; Zeleniy, O.; Tabakova, I.Data analysis is an important stage in the study of various processes, phenomena, objects. These data can have a different physical nature and different structure. Therefore, it is important to have a set of versatile tools for the appropriate analysis. We single out wavelet analysis among such tools. The paper shows various directions for using wavelet analysis, shows a formalized description of such directions. Specific examples are also given for each direction of wavelet analysis.