Перегляд за автором "Chernyshov, N. N."
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Публікація All Control System for Forward Tracking Detecto(ХНУРЭ, 2010) Pyataikina, M. I.; Chernyshov, N. N.The design and construction of the ZEUS forward tracking detector is described. The detector consists of 3 large planar drift chambers mounted in the forward direction with respect to the proton beam and a smaller rear detector of the same type. Test beam measurements performed at DESY show a single wire spatial resolution of 105 μm and a dE/dx resolution of 8.8%. The resolution of the three dimensional track coordinates and slopes provided by one chamber are found to be 90μm and 2.7 mrad, respectivelyПублікація Cold Pulse Propagation Inside the Magnetic Island(ХНУРЭ, 2010) Pysarevsky, A. S.; Aloshin, S. I.; Chernyshov, N. N.The sign of the curvature of the space potential depends on the radial electric field at the boundary of the magnetic island. The heat transport inside the magnetic island is studied with a cold pulse propagation technique. The experimental results show the existence of the radial electric field shear at the boundary of the magnetic island and a reduction of heat transport inside the magnetic islandПублікація Design of the Zeus Forward Tracking Detector(ХНУРЭ, 2010) Sherbak, Y. L.; Chernyshov, N. N.The design and construction of the ZEUS forward tracking detector is described. The detector consists of 3 large planar drift chambers mounted in the forward direction with respect to the proton beam and a smaller rear detector of the same type. Test beam measurements performed at DESY show a single wire spatial resolution of 105 μm and a dE/dx resolution of 8.8%. The resolution of the three dimensional track coordinates and slopes provided by one chamber are found to be 90μm and 2.7 mrad, respectively.Публікація Radial Electric Field and Transport near the Rational Surface(ХНУРЭ, 2010) Pysarevsky, A. S.; Kozak, I. A.; Chernyshov, N. N.The structure of the radial electric field and heat transport at the magnetic island in the Large Helical Device is investigated by measuring the radial profile of poloidal flow with charge exchange spectroscopy. The convective poloidal flow inside the island is observed when the n/m=l/l external perturbation field becomes large enough to increase the magnetic island width above a critical value (15-20% of minor radius) in LHD. This convective poloidal flow results in a non-flat space potential inside the magnetic island. The sign of the curvature of the space potential depends on the radial electric field at the boundary of the magnetic island. The heat transport inside the magnetic island is studied with a cold pulse propagation technique. The experimental results show the existence of the radial electric field shear at the boundary of the magnetic island and a reduction of heat transport inside the magnetic islandПублікація The photogalvanic effect within spin resonanse in quantizing magnetic field(ХНУ ім. Каразіна, 2013) Chernyshov, N. N.; Slipchenko, N. I.; Tsymbal, A. M.; Umyarov, K. T.; Lukianenko, V. L.В статье исследована теория фотогальванического эффекта в оптических переходах между спинами вокруг уровней Ландау в пределах ультраквантового предела. Рассматривается геометрия, когда поляризация перпендикулярна и электрический ток направлен вдоль магнитного поля. Эффект вызван в соответствии с кубическими членами в гамильтониане, которые существуют из-за отсутствия центра инверсии. Рассмотренное уравнение магнитного поля имеет характер резонанса и имеет два четных и нечетных полевых вклада. Такой характер эффекта связан с резонансом в промежуточном состоянии и использовании вторых амплитуд перехода порядка в релятивистских вкладах в гамильтониане.The paper theoretically investigates the photogalvanic effect in optic transitions between spin subzones of Landau levels within ultraquantum limit. A geometry is considered when polarization is perpendicular and the electric current is directed along the magnetic field. The effect is caused by cubic terms in the Hamiltonian function, which exist due to the absence of an inversion center. The considered magnetic field relation is of resonance character, the said relation having both odd and even field contributions. Such an effect character is related to the resonance in the intermediate state and interference of second order transition amplitudes in relativistic contributions in the Hamiltonian function.