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Публікація Mathematical model of the cloud for ray tracing(ITHEA, 2010) Bilous, N.; Ostroushko, A.; Bugriy, A.; Chagovets, Ya.The three-dimensional computer graphics claimed today in many fields of the person activity: producing of computer games, TV, animation, advertise production, visualization systems of out-of-cockpit environment for transport simulators, CAD systems, scientific visualization, computer tomography etc. Especially high are requirements for realism of generated images. Realism rising leads to image detail increasing, necessity of shadows and light sources processing, the account of an environment transparency, generation of various special effects. Therefore in the field of a computer graphics researches are intensively conducted for the purpose of development of as much as possible effective models for three-dimensional scenes and fast methods of realistic image synthesis on their basis. One of the most promising methods is a ray tracing. The method provides possibility of synthesis of high realistic images; however it demands the large computational cost for the realization. The cloud synthesis model for a ray tracing is described. The model is directed to a real time graphics and allows raising realism of the synthesized image. Advantages of proposed model are the ability of working with cloud on different levels of detail, availability of bounding surfaces inside of cloud structure that allows to increase efficiency of an image synthesis algorithm, ease of cloud animation. Due to the great flexibility of a cloud model and high performance of its visualization algorithm these results can be used in real time visualization systems.