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Публікація Analisys of teaching elements on technical and mathematical disciplines in modern distance education(Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2021) Biziuk, A.; Biziuk, V.; Shakurova, T.The object of research is the quality of teaching technical and mathematical disciplines in modern distance education. One of the most problematic areas is communication, dialogue between a teacher and a student, per-sonality problems in the teacher-student dyad, and the effectiveness of feedback. The idea of distance learning, obviously, is that the interaction between teacher and student takes place in a virtual space. The more efficiently this interaction is built by using a variety of techniques, methods, the better a teaching process. Distance teaching is essentially a person-centered form of education. This is a separate modern educational technology that provides a choice for the teacher, the ability to select educational material depending on the information needs of students. In the course of the study, the main possibilities for improving the effectiveness of feedback between the student and the teacher and the forms of implementing such communication were considered. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the use of the system of certain elements of distance learning in the process of vocational training have been substantiated. Modern information technologies and innovative teaching methods in training specialists are described. It is proposed to use more actively such elements as an interactive whiteboard, interactive processing of students’ statements during a survey, both in the form of tests or a forum, and in the form of a «word cloud». The use of these interactive elements has proven itself in practice. As a tool for objective assessment of the level of feedback, a comparative analysis of statistical data is pro-posed, which concerns the distribution of marks at the beginning and at the end of the distance learning course. This data can also be interpreted as an indicator of the quality of teaching. In particular, the analysis of school preparation of students for mastering mathematical disciplines in higher education was carried out. Comparative analysis substantiated, in particular, the need for additional classes for students with poor preparation.Публікація Development of methods and models of complex of security technolo-gies for printing products(НПП ЧП «Технологический Центр», 2017) Vovk, A.; Biziuk, A.; Tkachenko, V.The object of research is the process of selecting elements that make up a complex of security printing technologies to counter the fabrication of printing product. The problem is caused by the development of reproductive and digital technology, which makes it possible to easily reproduce an unsecured original packaging or label. The analysis of existing technologies for describing the security level of a printing product against falsification with subsequent identification of its shortcomings is carried out. The application of the method of integral indicators for evaluating the security of a printing product against falsification is proposed. The peculiarity of the technique consists in determining the weigh coefficients taking into account 15 technological series to exclude the use of the same type of protective elements. The significance of each element in the integral evaluation is determined by the analysis of 500 labels (printed products). A further study is in refining of the proposed weight coefficients and development of an information support decision-making system for designers of secured printing products. Research results are recommendations for optimizing the choice of security complex.Публікація Development of the technology for changing the sequence of access to shared resources of business processes for process management support(2020) Chalyi, S.; Levykin, I.; Biziuk, A.; Vovk, A. V.; Bogatov, I.Удосконалено модель журналу подiй iнформацiйної системи. Модель мiстить послiдовностi подiй, що вiдповiдають реалiзованим послiдовностям управляючих дiй в рамках як процесного, так i функцiонального пiдходiв до управлiння. Для кожної пари подiй, що належать до одного процесу, заданий строгий лiнiйний порядок в часi. Модель призначена для побудови опису прототипу бiзнеспроцесу «як є». Запропоновано прецедентну модель бiзнес-процесу, що описує особливостi його вiдомих реалiзацiй, вiдображених в журналi подiй. Модель об'єднує множину реалiзованих послiдовностей робiт кожного процесу i враховує час виконання цих робiт, а також необхiднi для них ресурси. При описi часу виконання робiт процесу враховуються затримки при доступi до спiльних ресурсiв на пiдприємствi. Модель дозволяє прогнозувати строки завершення множини конкуруючих за ресурси бiзнес-процесiв при видаленнi або додаваннi нових процесiв в це множину. Розроблено технологiю змiни послiдовностi доступу до ресурсiв для набору конкуруючих за цi ресурси бiзнес-процесiв в рамках процесного управлiння. Запропонована технологiя використовує прецедентну модель бiзнес-процесу для розрахунку порядку доступу до ресурсiв. Технологiя дає можливiсть розрахувати сумарне скорочення затримок у часi виконання по вiдношенню до строкiв завершення бiзнес процесiв при конкуренцiї цих процесiв за ресурси. Технологiя дозволяє вибрати порядок доступу до ресурсiв з найменшим запiзненням по вiдношенню до строкiв завершення робiт для вiдомих варiантiв виконання бiзнес-процесу. Це дає можливiсть ОПР оцiнити можливiсть запуску нових процесiв, що використовують спiльнi ресурси, на основi скорочення часу очiкування при доступi до цих ресурсiв. The model of the event log of the information system has been improved. The model contains the sequences of events consistent with implemented sequences of management actions within both the process approach and functional management approach. A strict linear order in time was assigned for each pair of events belonging to the same process. The model is designed to describe the prototype of the as-is business process.A case-based model of a business process, describing the features of its known implementations, reflected in the event log, has been proposed. The model combines a set of implemented sequences of operations of each process and takes into consideration the time to implement these operations, as well as the resources they need. When describing the time to implement the operations of a process, delays in accessing the company's shared resources are taken into consideration. The model makes it possible to predict the terms of completing the set of business processes competing for the resources when removing or adding new processes to this set.The technology for changing the sequence of access to resources for a set of business processes competing for these resources within the process management was developed. The proposed technology uses the case-based model of a business process to calculate the order of access to resources. The technology provides an opportunity to calculate the total reduction in delays over the implementation time in relation to the implementation terms when processes are competing for resources. The technology makes it possible to choose how to access resources with the least delay in relation to operations completion deadlines for the known variants of a business process implementation. This enables a DM to assess the possibility of launching new processes that use shared resources by reducing the waiting time when accessing these resources