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Публікація Assessment Dynamics the Development of Financial Markets in the UK and Japan in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic(IJAMR, 2022) Lyashenko, V.; Bitner, I.; Bilotserkivskyi, O.The negative dynamics of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic affects all areas of daily and economic activity. At the same time, the degree of such influence is largely determined by the continuity of the movement of various financial flows, the possibility of their rapid renewal in cases of emergency slowdown or interruption of movement. For the analysis of the movement of financial flows, it is important to study the development of financial markets. It is important to carry out such an analysis from the point of view of different segments of the financial market. At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account the general trend in the development of the financial market, the relationship of its individual segments. This can be done based on the analysis of the relevant stock indexes. The paper considers the dynamics of the real values of stock indices, which reflect the dynamics of the development of individual sectors of the financial market. The paper also takes into account the aspects of conducting a comparative analysis, which allows us to identify common patterns. To do this, we consider the values of the UK and Japan stock indices. To conduct a comparative analysis, we use the methodology for constructing wavelet coherence estimates. The paper presents many graphs and charts for specific real data. This allows you to understand the logic of the study and the results obtained.Публікація Dynamics of Changes in Commodity Indices for Commodities: Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Sugar, Cocoa(IJAAR, 2022) Lyashenko, V.; Serhiienko, O.; Bilotserkivskyi, O.Commodity indices determine the weighted price of various groups of goods. At the same time, the dynamics of such indices reflects the dynamics of prices for the corresponding goods. In turn, commodity indices are interconnected with the dynamics of indices, both the securities market and the general world market. An analysis of this relationship helps to understand the dynamics of the functioning and development of individual market segments, the economy as a whole, and various business entities. An important aspect of this analysis is the assessment of relationships, primarily between groups of goods that are placed on the commodity market. Based on this, the paper considers the main aspects of the analysis of the dynamics of commodity indices, presents graphs of commodity indices for individual groups of goods, and considers the main statistical characteristics of such data. To assess the mutual analysis of the dynamics of changes in commodity indices, the wavelet coherence methodology was used. This methodology makes it possible to evaluate the mutual dynamics of commodity indices over different time horizons. We can better understand the dynamics of the relevant relationship, which is important for making investment decisions. Such assessments are also important for making decisions about interaction in different segments of the world market or the stock market. Some results of assessments of such a methodology are presented. The paper presents a lot of factual material, which helps to understand the logic of the study.Публікація Dynamics of the Market for Shares of Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Cluster of US Food Companies with a Minimum Market Capitalization(IJARW, 2023) Bilotserkivskyi, O.; Kaganovskyy, O. S.; Lyashenko, V.The functioning and development of business is closely related to the concept of security. Such security applies both to the direct conduct of certain activities and to the content surrounding the enterprise. Food security is of particular importance in this aspect. This type of security largely determines the economic aspects of the stable activity of various areas in ensuring sustainable interaction between business entities, countries and the population. Therefore, the analysis of the activities of enterprises from the cluster of food companies occupies a special place and is important in making appropriate decisions. Among the various characteristics of the activities of enterprises, attention should be paid to the dynamics of the prices of its shares. This allows you to analyze how the functioning of the business entity itself, and to obtain comparative aspects of such activities in comparison with other companies. In the article, on the example of a number of individual enterprises, a cluster of US food companies is considered. A feature of this consideration is the analysis of the activities of companies with a minimum market capitalization. The work presents a lot of drawings and diagrams. This allows us to understand the course of the study, to consider the activities of medium-sized businesses.Публікація Mutual Dynamics of Certain Types of Bitcoin: Data from Wavelet Coherence(IA-ESTE, 2021) Lyashenko, V.; Bilotserkivskyi, O.; Pyvavar, I.; Kots, H.Unconventional methods of analysis are a good tool for studying new trends and phenomena. One of these objects of research is the cryptocurrency market. The paper shows the possibility and feasibility of applying the ideology of wavelets to analyze the dynamics of prices for cryptocurrencies. For this, the methodology of wavelet coherence is used. This methodology has been applied to various cryptocurrency pairs. The calculation results for real data are presented. It is shown that the results obtained agree with the theoretical conclusions and research results of other authors.Публікація New Data from Wavelet Analysis on the Dynamics of Changes in the International Currency Market(IJAMR, 2022) Lyashenko, V.; Serhiienko, O.; Bilotserkivskyi, O.The foreign exchange market is one of the important segments of the financial market. Such attention to the foreign exchange market is due to the fact that it provides stable economic and organizational relationships in the implementation of transactions for the purchase or sale of foreign currency. This, in turn, has a significant impact on the development of international economic relations. Thus, the analysis of the foreign exchange market plays an important role in the evaluation of various economic processes. To analyze the situation in the foreign exchange market, it is necessary to have primary data. As a source of primary data for the foreign exchange market are empirical data on the dynamics of the exchange rate. At the same time, it is necessary to know the dynamics of the exchange rate from the point of view of different countries. This increases the reliability of the results that can be obtained from the corresponding analysis. We can also evaluate the mutual influence on the dynamics of exchange rates from the point of view of individual countries. For such an analysis, we use the ideology of wavelets. This ideology allows the analysis of data presented as a time series. Among the methods of wavelet ideology, we consider wavelet coherence. This approach allows us to evaluate the mutual dynamics of exchange rates for different countries. The paper presents the results for real data. The paper presents many graphs and diagrams that allow you to better understand the progress of our study, interpret the results.Публікація On the Ratio of Futures Prices in the World Markets for Grain Commodities(International Journal of Academic and Applied Research, 2023) Bilotserkivskyi, O.; Stepurina, S.; Lyashenko, V.Grain products play an important role as a factor in stable economic development. These goods provide food security, security of life support and activities of people. At the same time, the market for grain products is subject to the influence of various destabilizing factors, which affects the price of such products. Generalization of prices for any goods is the price dynamics for the corresponding futures goods. Thus, in order to analyze changes in the market of grain products, it is advisable to study the dynamics of prices for futures for these products. This allows you to understand the dynamics of the formation of a parity price between supply and demand. Such dynamics is formed under the influence of market factors, the impact of destabilizing factors, the conditions for the development of the relevant market segment and the actions of investors. For the corresponding analysis, we use descriptive statistics, which allows us to analyze current trends, identify peaks in changing price dynamics. To conduct a comparative an alysis of price dynamics for various grain products, we use the wavelet ideology. Such an ideology makes it possible to obtain wavelet coherence estimates. These estimates contribute to the study of the grain market, the consideration of various investment strategies. The paper presents various graphs and schemes that allow you to repeat experiments and evaluate the results.