Перегляд за автором "Basarab, V."
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Публікація Analysis of modern methods and means of electronic intelligence for special purposes for monitoring threatening stationary and mobile objects(InterConf, 2021) Brytov, O.; Belyaev, D.; Rasstryhin, O.; Shknai, O.; Zvieriev, O.; Basarab, V.; Chmil, Y.; Khyzhniak, A.; Kriuchkov, D.; Reznichenko, O.; Semeniuk, A.; Skopintsev, O.Electronic methods and means of reconnaissance are a set of methods and organizational structures for conducting intelligence activities using electronic equipment and radio-technical devices (systems). The development of modern element base and computing facilities allows us to miniaturize modern facilities, introducing into them previously inaccessible algorithms and methods for processing the information received. This allows real-time monitoring of potentially dangerous (threatening) stationary and mobile objects, promptly responding to emerging terrorist threats and other dangerous phenomena. On the paper briefly discusses the main modern methods and means of electronic intelligence for special purposes, used in practice.