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Публікація Quantum Technology for Analysis and Testing Computing Systems(EWDTS, 2013) Gharibi, W.; Hahanov, V. I.; Anders, C.; Hahanova, I. V.; Filippenko, I. V.A theory of quantum models, methods and algorithms for improving the performance of existing software and hardware tools for analysis and synthesis of digital computing devices by increasing the dimension of the data structures and memory are proposed. The basic concepts, terminology and definitions are introduced, which are necessary for the understanding the theory and practice of quantum computation. In recent years quantum computing becomes interesting for analyzing cybernetic space, developing cloud Internet technologies, which is explained by their alternativeness to the existing models of computing processes. Market feasability of quantum methods and qubit models is based on the high parallelism when solving almost all discrete optimization problems, factorization, minimization of Boolean functions, effective compression of data, their compact representation and teleportation, fault-tolerant design through significant increase in hardware costs. But now it is acceptable, because of nano-electronic technologies propose now up to 1 billion gates, located on a chip of the dimension 2х2 sm with the substrate thickness 5 microns. At that modern technologies allow creating a package (sandwich) containing up to 7 dies, which is comparable with the quantity of the human brain neurons. Practically wireless connection of such chips is based on through-silicon vias (TSV) - the technological capability of drilling about 10 thousand through vias in 1 square centimeter of wafer or die. In addition, the emergence of FinFET transistors and 3D-technology based on them for implementation of digital systems provide almost unlimited hardware capabilities to researchers for creating new parallel computing devices. So, it is necessary to use hardware-focused models and methods for creating high-speed tools for parallel solving real world problems. Discreteness and multiple-valuedness of the alphabets for describing information processes, the parallelism, inherent in the quantum computing, are particularly important when developing effective and intelligent engines for cyberspace, cloud structures and services of Internet, and tools for synthesis of fault-tolerant digital devices, testing and simulation of digital systems-on-chips, technologies for information and computer security . We do not consider the physical basis of quantum computing, originally described in the works of scientists, focused on the use of non-deterministic quantum interactions within the atom. We do not address the physical foundations of quantum mechanics, concerning non-deterministic interactions of atomic particles, but we use the concept of information quantum as a joint definition of the power set (the set of all subsets) of states for the discrete cyberspace area that provides the high parallelism level of the proposed quantum models and methods.