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Перегляд Кафедра штучного інтелекту (ШІ) за автором "Semenets, V. V."
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Публікація Autonomous Agent's Behavior Model Based on Automata Theory(ХНУРЕ, 2018) Філатов, В. О.; Семенець, В. В.; Filatov, V. O.; Semenets, V. V.This paper is devoted to a problem of management the corporate system's information space. The management is carried out on the technology of the program agents. The approach to construction the program agent's model on a basis of frame structure is considered. The frame is fixed as universal extension system. For the decision of concrete tasks the functional modules - slots can be added in it. Base structure for model of behavior of the program agents in information environment is the model based on the finite-state machine. The offered models can be used for development the systems for administration of information resources in the allocated computing systems.Публікація Multiagent Approach for Managing the Information Space of Corporate Systems(ХНУРЕ, 2018) Філатов, В. О.; Семенець, В. В.; Filatov, V. O.; Semenets, V. V.The subject matter of the study is the integration and management of information resources of distributed computing corporate systems within the common information space. The goal of the study is to develop scientifically based models for supporting intelligent technologies for the integration and management of information resources of distributed computing systems. In accordance with the goal of the study, the article deals with the following tasks: to develop a formal-logical model of the information space, to study and formalize agent-oriented tasks, to select the model of a software agent, to substantiate the information technology aimed at effective information management in corporate systems.