Перегляд 3 Международная научная конференция "Функциональная компонентная база микро-,опто- и наноэлектроники. Харьков-Кацивели 2010 за автором "Pyataikina, M. I."
(ХНУРЭ, 2010) Pyataikina, M. I.; Chernyshov, N. N.
The design and construction of the ZEUS forward tracking detector is described. The detector consists of 3 large planar drift chambers mounted in the forward direction with respect to the proton beam and a smaller rear detector of the same type. Test beam measurements performed at DESY show a single wire spatial resolution of 105 μm and a dE/dx resolution of 8.8%. The resolution of the three dimensional track coordinates and slopes provided by one chamber are found to be 90μm and 2.7 mrad, respectively