Публікація: Resonant Degenerate Crystal Made of Spheres Located in Magnetodielectric Medium
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Kharkov national university of radio electronics
In the paper, a computational method is proposed to analyze phenomena occurring when electromagnetic waves are scattered by a finite resonant crystal with the cubic lattice having small resonant magnetodielectric spheres in its nodes. The method is based on the second kind Fredholm integral equations. Investigated are properties of a resonant degenerate crystal located in magnetodielecrtic environment with positive and negative values of permittivity 0 and permeability 0 . It is shown that media with positive and negative values of permittivity and permeability differently influence on scattering properties of the degenerate resonant crystal. The effect of degeneration canceling, when the permittivity and permeability jump, is found such that coincidence of the lattice resonance and the internal crystal sphere resonance is canceled, and the resonance curves split. Graphic dependences given in the paper numerically define a magnitude of occurring splitting. The influence of an internal resonant crystal cavity size on the scattered field structure in the Fresnel zone is graphically estimated.
Ключові слова
magnetodielectric, integral Equation, crystal
Бібліографічний опис
Kozar, A. I. Resonant Degenerate Crystal Made of Spheres Located in Magnetodielectric Medium / A. I. Kozar // International Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications. 2013. - №. 3(2). - C. 15-19.