ISSN: 2310-8061

Електронний архів Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки «ElAr КhNURE» є інституціальним репозиторієм, що містить публікації наукових праць та досліджень науково-педагогічних працівників, інших співробітників, здобувачів вищої освіти ХНУРЕ, а також публікації сторонніх наукових організацій. Серед них монографії, статті з наукових журналів та збірників, матеріали науково-практичних заходів, наукові публікації (розміщуються за умови наявності рецензії наукового керівника) та кваліфікаційні роботи студентів (розміщуються за дозволом автора КвР).

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Останні подання

Взаємодія освіти і політики в умовах глобалізації сучасного суспільства
(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Силка, О. В.
The article examines the issues concerning the interaction between politics and education in modern globalized society. Considered axiological aspects of the development of modern education within the framework of the functioning of politics. It is proven that education is able to influence the political sphere of society and solve certain political tasks. It can be recognized as a tool of "soft power", and the use of such a tool is aimed at achieving the goals of international cooperation and the development of academic mobility. The educational environment of a modern school and higher educational institution is able to shape the system of values and worldview of a person of the future society
Human position in the digital society: socio-political aspect
(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Sokolenko, D.
The article deals with the problems of human formation in the information society. It is argued that digital technologies are gaining ontological status and are gradually replacing traditional communication practices and relations. Digitalization contributes to a certain rupture of space and time, since the connection between them is no longer mediated by a specific place of social action. The rapid development of artificial intelligence threatens the foundation of human civilization, as it can push people out of the world they have created for themselves. The humanistic orientation of culture, which was once based on the idea of anthropocentrism, is gradually changing to an information and digital orientation
Штучна соціальність як майбутнє штучного інтелекту
(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Толстік, О. В.
The article is devoted to the functioning of artificial intelligence in modern society. It is proved that the issues of creation, existence and future of artificial intelligence are of interest not only to representatives of technical sciences, but also to humanities. Information technologies, the Internet, artificial intelligence are changing the everyday life of a person. They are quickly integrated into the daily social practices of society and form a hybrid social world. The rise of online culture goes hand in hand with the development of artificial intelligence and together they make inevitable the future of humanity under the sign of artificial sociality
Цілі стійкого розвитку сучасного суспільства та еколого-економічні проблеми
(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Манскова, Ю. Ю.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the formation of a new ecological and economic normality. It is proven that the key economic goals of humanity are focused on material wealth, growth of gross product, income, etc. Now, climatic restrictions are dictating certain changes in the directions of development of all countries of the world. Both at the level of individual countries and at the global level, the basis of economic development is changing. And this is not just a wish, but the action of strict economic and legal regulation mechanisms. The course adopted by most countries for greening and achieving carbon neutrality requires a certain awareness by society of new values and a radical change in old consumption patterns
Соціальні аспекти дослідження штучного інтелекту
(ХНУРЕ, 2024) Кочевенко, І.
The article is devoted to the analysis of socio-philosophical problems of artificial intelligence. It is proved that the research of artificial intelligence is a young scientific direction, its structure and problem field are still in the stage of formation. Nowadays, humanity is experiencing another revolution associated with the rapid development and widespread use of artificial intelligence systems. This process, like any revolution, carries great opportunities and great risks. The problem of the ratio of human and artificial intelligence requires a rethinking of the essence and limitations of man, as well as the nature of the tools that man can create and from which he can refuse