ISSN: 2310-8061
Електронний архів Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки «ElAr КhNURE» є інституціальним репозиторієм, що містить публікації наукових праць та досліджень науково-педагогічних працівників, інших співробітників, здобувачів вищої освіти ХНУРЕ, а також публікації сторонніх наукових організацій. Серед них монографії, статті з наукових журналів та збірників, матеріали науково-практичних заходів, наукові публікації (розміщуються за умови наявності рецензії наукового керівника) та кваліфікаційні роботи здобувачів вищої освіти (розміщуються за дозволом автора КвР).
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Останні подання
Microwave Heating of Low-Temperature Plasma and Its Application
(2021) Frolova, T. I.; Buts, V. A.; Churyumov, G. I.; Odarenko, E. N.; Gerasimov, V. P.
n this chapter, the results of theoretical and experimental studies of the interaction of an electromagnetic field with a plasma (fundamental interaction of the wave-particle type) both in the regime of standing waves (in the case of a resonator) and in the case of traveling waves in a waveguide are presented. The results of computer modeling the distribution of a regular electromagnetic field for various designs of electrodynamic structures are considered. The most attractive designs of electrodynamic structures for practical application are determined. A brief review and analysis of some mechanisms of stochastic plasma heating are given as well as the conditions for the formation of dynamic chaos in such structures are determined. Comparison analysis of microwave plasma heating in a regular electromagnetic field (in a regime with dynamical chaos) with plasma heating by random fields is considered. It is shown, that stochastic heating of plasma is much more efficient in comparison with other mechanisms of plasma heating (including fundamental
interaction of the wave-wave type). The results obtained in this work can be used to increase the efficiency of plasma heating as well as to develop promising new sources of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave and optical ranges.
Dispersion properties of artificial topological insulators based on an infinite double-periodic array of elliptical quartz elements
(ІРЕ НАН України, 2021) Ivzhenko, L. I.; Polevoy, S. Yu.; Odarenko, E. N.; Tarapov, S. I.
Subject and Purpose. Special features of all-dielectric electromagnetic analogues of topological insulators in the microwave range are considered, aiming at studying the influence of geometrical and constitutive parameters of topological insulator elements on the dispersion properties of topological insulators based on a two-dimensional double-periodic array of dielectric elements. Methods and Methodology. Th e evaluation of dispersion properties and electromagnetic field spatial distribution patterns for topological insulators is performed using numerical simulation programs. Results. The electromagnetic analogue of a topological insulator based on a double-periodic array of elliptical quartz cylinders has been considered. By numerical simulation, it has been demonstrated that the electromagnetic properties of the structure are control-lable by changing the quartz uniaxial anisotropy direction without any changes in other parameters. A combined topological insulator made up of two adjoining ones differing in shapes of their unit cells has been considered with the numerical demonstration that frequencies of surface states are controllable by choosing the quartz uniaxial anisotropy direction. It has been shown that it is at the interface of two different in shape unit cells that the electromagnetic field concentration at a surfacestate frequency takes place. Conclusion. A possibility has been demonstrated of controlling microwave electromagnetic properties of topological insulators by changing their geometric parameters and permittivity of the constituents. From a practical point of view, topological insulators can be used as components of microwave transmission lines and devices featuring very small propagation loss.
Reducing the level of interference considering the morphological characteristics of object in thermal nondestructive testing
(2023) Miahkyi, O.; Storozhenko, V.; Orel, R.; Meshkov, S.
The interferences characteristic of thermal non-destructive testing that reduces the reliability of the obtained results are described. A methodology for their reduction is proposed, consisting of two interdependent stages. The first stage consists in calculating and analysing the nature and level of the expected signal according to the developed thermophysical model against the background of the experimentally obtained level of interference. According to the results of the analysis of the calculations based on the thermophysical model for the selected samples, the most influential interference was the heterogeneity of the emissivity of the sample surface. The second stage of data processing is devoted to reducing this interference. The second stage consists of processing the thermograms of temperature fields and includes morphological analysis of the surface condition, filtering, and reduction of characteristic interference. It is divided into four practical procedures. Analysis of the visual image and obtaining a map of zones with the different emissivity of the sample surface, analysis of the thermogram with an assessment of the level of discreteness of the thermogram and the position of the reference points on the image, smoothing of the thermographic image and selection of zones with the different emissivity of the surface of the object under control on the thermogram, followed by noise filtering. Since the results of thermal control are strongly influenced by the shape of the object, the capabilities and effectiveness of the proposed methodology are illustrated on a cylindrical object. The experiment confirmed the validity and correctness of the theoretical statements and allowed us to determine the internal structure of the object under study (different wall thicknesses) and reduce the level of structural interference by 3.6 ˚C. The research shows that the processing of experimental data, which was carried out taking into account the specifics of the thermal and structural characteristics of the objects under control, gives a significant positive result and is an important step towards automating thermal non-destructive testing procedures on the way to implementation in current production
Зниження рівня завад при тепловому неруйнівному контролі з урахуванням особливостей теплофізичних та морфологічних характеристик об’єктів
(Видавничий дім "Патон", 2022) Стороженко, В. О.; Мягкий, О. В.; Орел, Р. П.; Мешков, С. М.
Описано характерні для теплового неруйнівного контролю завади та перешкоди, що знижують достовірність отриманих результатів. Запропоновано методику їх зменшення, що складається з двох взаємозалежних етапів. Перший етап полягає у розрахунку і аналізу характеру та рівня очікуваного сигналу за розробленою теплофізичною моделлю на тлі експериментально отриманого рівня завад. За результатами аналізу розрахунків по теплофізичній моделі для обраних зразків найвпливовішою завадою виявилася неоднорідність випромінювальної здатності поверхні зразка. Зменшенню цієї завади присвячений другий етап обробки отриманих даних. Другий етап полягає в обробці термограм температурних полів і включає морфологічний аналіз стану поверхні, фільтрації та зменшення характерних завад та перешкод. Він розділений на чотири практичні процедури. Аналіз візуального зображення та отримання карти зон з різною випромінювальною здатністю поверхні зразка, аналіз термограми з оцінкою рівня дискретності термограми та положенням реперних точок на зображенні, згладжування термографічного зображення та виділення на термограмі зон з різною випромінювальною здатністю поверхні об’єкту контролю, після чого проходить фільтрація завади. Тому що на результати теплового контролю сильно впливає форма об'єкта, можливості та ефективність запропонованої методики проілюстрована на об'єкті циліндричної форми. Експериментально підтверджено, що для вибраного зразка рівень перешкод вдалося знизити до рівня впевненого виділення корисного сигналу на фоні завади.
Reducing the level of interference at thermal non-destructive testing considering the specific thermal physical and morphological characteristics of the object
(2022) Storozhenko, V. O.; Meshkov, S. M.; Orel, R. P.; Miahkyi, O. V.
Interferences, characteristic for non-destructive thermal testing which reduce the reliability of the results obtained are described. A technique for their reduction is suggested which consists of two interrelated stages. The fi rst stage consists in calculating and analyzing the nature and level of the expected signal according to the developed thermophysical model against the background of the experimentally obtained noise level. According to the results of analysis of calculations using the thermophysical model for the selected samples, the most infl uential interference was the inhomogeneity of the emissivity of the sample surface. The second stage of processing the received data is devoted to reducing this noise. This stage consists in processing of thermograms of temperature fi elds and includes morphological analysis of the surface condition, fi ltering and reducing characteristic noise and interference. It consists of four practical procedures: analysis of the visual image and obtaining a map of zones with diff erent emissivity of the sample surface, analysis of the thermogram with an assessment of the level of discreteness of the thermogram and the position of fi ducial points on the image, smoothing the thermographic image and highlighting zones on the thermogram with diff erent emissivity of the controlled object surface, after which the noise is fi ltered. Since the results of thermal control are strongly infl uenced by the shape of the object, the possibilities and eff ectiveness of the suggested technique are illustrated on a cylindrical object. It has been experimentally confi rmed that for the selected sample, it was possible to reduce the noise level to that of confi dent separation of useful signal against the noise background.