Публікація: Smart Grid Concept as a Perspective for The Development of Ukrainian Energy Platform
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IBIMA Publishing
The article analyzes the prospects for the development of the energy industry in Ukraine and the world with the Smart Grid technology use. A model of the Smart Grid concept was built, which consists of the principles of construction, key requirements (values), functional properties (attributes), and basic elements of their implementation. It was proposed to consider the expected effects of the implementation of the Smart Grid concept depending on the group of stakeholders: energy companies, end users, regulating bodies and the state and society as a whole. The integral indicator for assessing the development of renewable energy sources in Ukraine for the period of 2007-2017 was calculated on the basis of the author's methodology, and appropriate conclusions were made on the need to introduce renewable energy sources in order to balance and reduce energy dependence on external energy sources.
DOI : 10.5171/2019.923814
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Ключові слова
intelligent energy systems, energy management, stakeholders, effect, renewable energy sources
Бібліографічний опис
Smart Grid Concept as a Perspective for The Development of Ukrainian Energy Platform / Sokolova L., Hilorme T., Portna O., Lysiak L., Boretskaya N. // IBIMA Business Review. URL : https://ibimapublishing.com/articles/IBIMABR/2019/923814/. Vol. 2019 (2019), Article ID 923814, DOI: 10.5171/2019.923814.