Публікація: Реконструкция изображений в СММ нанопленочных структур
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The theoretical basis of a new algorithm of an SMM image reconstruction of various objects in the format of a spatial representation of the distribution of the investigated (diagnosed) physical quantities is presented in the report. The discussed technique is based on an analytical approximation of the conversion characteristics of resonant scanning microwave probes, which are obtained from the solution of the corresponding electrodynamic problems by direct numerical methods. The proof of the discrepancy between the resonant frequency shift signal images of the probe and the profile of the surface under investigation is shown, and the operability of the proposed algorithm is illustrated by the availability of the solution of the inverse measurement problem and the adequacy of the reconstructed signal to the initial profile that is given hypothetically.
The possibility of using a similar approach for reconstruction of permittivity profile images against the background of a nonuniform surface profile is shown. For this purpose, the two-parameter control is held by scanning at two different values of the gap (between the probe and the object). Approximated analytical expressions of the corresponding conversion characteristics is presented.
Ключові слова
Сканирующая микроволновая микроскопия, профиль диэлектрической проницаемости, профиль поверхности объекта
Бібліографічний опис
Реконструкция изображений в СММ нанопленочных структур / Гордиенко Ю. Е., Левченко А. В., Щербань И. Н., Слипченко Н. И. // Сборник научных трудов IX Международной научной конференции «ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ БАЗА НАНОЭЛЕКТРОНИКИ», Харьков-Одесса 2017, стр.67-70