Публікація: Получение достоверной оценки коэффициента охвата при составлении бюджета неопределенности измерений
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Хврківський університет повітряних сил
Results of comparison of values of coverage factor for a composition of the t-distribution with uniform, normal and arcsine laws of distributions received by a Monte-Carlo simulation and by means of effective number of steppes of freedom are analysed. A technique of obtaining of the expanded uncertainty and the coverage factor in view of the laws of distribution of contributions of uncertainty of type B without use of a Monte-Carlo simulation are considered.
Ключові слова
expanded uncertainty in measurement, coverage factor, Monte-Carlo simulation, t- factor, effective degrees of freedom
Бібліографічний опис
Захаров И. П. Получение достоверной оценки коэффициента охвата при составлении бюджета неопределенности измерений / Захаров И. П., Климова Е. А., Чунихина Т. В. // Системи обробки інформації, 2013, №3 (110), с. 41-44.