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Model Of Syntactic Representation Of Aerophoto Images Segments

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a variant of solving the problem, reducing the information intensity of the video stream coming from the aircraft, without losing its efficiency and reliability. The sections of the aerial photograph that compose informative redundancy and complicate the process of its interpretation are analyzed. A model for the classification of informative segments of an aerial photograph is proposed. The direction of reducing the information redundancy of aerial photographs, preservation, key information to its interpretation.


Ключові слова

aerial photograph, redundancy, array segment, decryption coding, code

Бібліографічний опис

Vladimir Barannik, Andrii Krasnorutsky, Vladimir Larin, Anna Hahanova and Sergii Shulgin. Model Of Syntactic Representation Of Aerophoto Images Segments // Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering. (S10). – 2018. – p. 281-285.