Публікація: Спосіб роботи із бінарними даними у скриптових мовах програмування на Unix-сумісних платформах
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Харківський національний університет радіоелектроніки (ХНУРЕ)
This article describes a method of processing binary data in scripting
languages. The author offers his own way of handling the data. In the proposed
method, the script processes the text description of binary data but not the binary
data. In the next stage, a special post processor converts the text description in
binary data and transmits them to the processing of the following software
modules. The article describes one of the versions of the textual description and
additional functions of post processor intended to setting data format,
calculating, generating and creating additional custom data. The author used the
proposed solution in practice in the industrial computer systems.
Ключові слова
Binary Data, Scripting Language, Unix