Публікація: Interrelations of banking sectors of European economies as reflected in separate indicators of the dynamics of their cash flows influencing the formation of the resource potential of banks
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ORT Publishing
The intrinsic peculiarity of the development of the world financial markets is their close interrelation and interaction, which is manifested in the respective change of the dynamics of cash flows of different sectors of the economies of separate countries. Alongside with this, the greatest manifestation of such changes happens in the course of the key stages of the economic development of both separate countries and the world financial markets on the whole.
Ключові слова
banking sectors, cash flows
Бібліографічний опис
Dobrovolskaya I. A. Interrelations of banking sectors of European economies as reflected in separate indicators of the dynamics of their cash flows influencing the formation of the resource potential of banks / I. A. Dobrovolskaya, V. V. Lyashenko // European Applied Sciences. – 2013. – Vol. 1. – № 2. – Р. 114–118.