За технічних причин Електронний архів Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки «ElAr КhNURE» працює тільки на перегляд. Про відновлення роботи у повному обсязі буде своєчасно повідомлено.

Optimization of the Quality of Information Support for Consumers of Cooperative Surveillance Systems

Зображення мініатюри



Назва журналу

ISSN журналу

Назва тома


Springer, Cham

Дослідницькі проекти

Організаційні підрозділи

Видання журналу


The paper discusses the place and the role of cooperative airspace surveillance systems in the information support of airspace use and air traffic control systems. A brief description of the signals used in the considering systems is given. Based on the presentation of cooperative surveillance systems as two-channel data transmission systems, the statistical interpretation of consumer data transmission is considered and it is shown that the probability of information support can be an integral quality indicator of consumers information support in the considered systems. That is defined as the product of the probability of detecting the request signals by the aircraft responder, aircraft responder availability factor, probability of detection of an air object by the requester, the probability of correct reception of on-board information and the probability of combining the flight and coordinate information. The variants for optimization each of the components of these probabilities are considered. The optimization issues of measurement parameters of signals in cooperative observation systems, which determine the probability of combining flight and coordinate in-formation, are also considered.


Ключові слова

Traffic control, cooperative surveillance systems, secondary surveillance radar, automatic dependent surveillance, Multilateration, wide area multilateration, air object

Бібліографічний опис

I. Obod, I. Svyd, O. Maltsev, O. Vorgul, G. Maistrenko and G. Zavolodko, "Optimization of the Quality of Information Support for Consumers of Cooperative Surveillance Systems", In: Radivilova T., Ageyev D., Kryvinska N. (eds) Data-Centric Business and Applications. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 48. Springer, Cham, pp. 133-155, 2020. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-43070-2_8