Публікація: The Task of Identifying the Various Objects’ Boundary Points of the Medical Image as the Optimal Path Search on the Graph
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Назва тома
The analysis and processing of medical images is an important area of research. At the same time, medical images should be regarded as the object of corresponding analysis and an increased class of complexity. One of the tasks that must be solved is the segmentation of medical images. The difficulty of solving this task lies in possible overlaying of segmentation objects or finding them at a relatively close level when they are perceived as a single object. The identification of different objects points of medical image in the form of an optimal path search on the graph is considered in this work. The formalization and substantiation of this approach have been carried out.
Ключові слова
Segmentation, Identification, Boundary Points, Medical Image
Бібліографічний опис
Orobinskyi P., Lyashenko V. The Task of Identifying the Various Objects’ Boundary Points of the Medical Image as the Optimal Path Search on the Graph // International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research. – 2020. – Vol. 8(3). – P. 824-829.