Публікація: Internet marketing metrics visualization methodology for related search
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A generalization of various metrics and approaches for the disclosure of assessments of Internet marketing is given. A wavelet analysis technique is proposed for disclosing Internet marketing metrics in the case of using related search queries. Wavelet coherence is selected to understand the ideology of using wavelet analysis techniques to investigate Internet marketing metrics. The possibility of a comparative analysis for related search queries is shown. The possibility of visual analysis of Internet marketing metrics using wavelet analysis
technique was noted. Specific examples of the use of coherence wavelet for analyzing Internet marketing on
specific queries are given.
Ключові слова
Wavelet coherence, Internet metric, visualization, search query
Бібліографічний опис
Omarov M., Tikhaya T., Lyashenko V. Internet marketing metrics visualization methodology for related search // International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering. – 2019. – Vol. 8(5). – P. 2277-2281.