Публікація: All Control System for Forward Tracking Detecto
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The design and construction of the ZEUS forward tracking detector is described. The detector consists of 3 large planar drift chambers mounted in the forward direction with respect to the proton beam and a smaller rear detector of the same type. Test beam measurements performed at DESY show a single wire spatial resolution of 105 μm and a dE/dx resolution of 8.8%. The resolution of the three dimensional track coordinates and slopes provided by one chamber are found to be 90μm and 2.7 mrad, respectively
Ключові слова
ZEUS, tracking detector, drift chambers, DESY
Бібліографічний опис
Pyataikina, M. I. All Control System for Forward Tracking Detector / M. I. Pyataikina, N. N. Chernyshov //Функциональная компонентная база микро-, опто- и наноэлектроники : сб. науч. тр. ІІІ Междунар. науч. конф., 28 сент. – 2 окт. 2010 г. – Х. ; Кацивели : ХНУРЭ, 2010. – С. 345-347.