Astakhova, A.Chebotarоva, I.2024-05-082024-05-082023Astakhova A. Developing character animation with AUTODESK MAYA / A. Astakhova, I. Chebotarоva // Поліграфічні, мультимедійні та web-технології : матеріали Молодіжної школи‐семінару VІІІ Міжнар. наук.‐техн. конф., 16‐20 травня 2023 р. – Харків : ТОВ «Друкарня Мадрид», 2023. – Т 2. – C. 68-72. thesis delves into the process of character animation development using Autodesk Maya software. It examines the techniques and tools involved in creating believable and expressive character movements, focusing on the key principles of animation such as timing, spacing, and weight, and the use of rigs. The objective of this thesis is to provide insight into the process of creating compelling character animations using Autodesk Maya.enanimationwebDeveloping character animation with AUTODESK MAYAConference proceedings