Лемешко, О. В.Єременко, О. С.2016-09-052016-09-052016http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/2073Research results and analysis dynamics change of average packet delay on telecommunication network router interface presented. Determined that the use of steady state estimations when calculating such parameters as average queue length and average packet delay allowable only after the end of the transient process. Otherwise, it is advisable to use more accurate differential models. Within the research was investigated the influence of the average flow rate and interface throughput together with initial state at the beginning of the transient process to the average queue size and average packet delay.ruТелекоммуникацииrouter interfaceflow ratethroughputqueue utilizationaverage queue lengthaverage packet delayAnalysis Dynamics Change of Average Packet Delay on Telecommunication Network Router InterfaceArticle