Hushchyn Bohdan-Danylo2025-02-242025-02-242024Hushchyn Bohdan-Danylo Analysis of Homomorphic Encryption Algorithms / Hushchyn Bohdan-Danylo // Computer and information systems and technologies : Seventh International Scientific and Technical Conference, september 2024. – Kharkiv : NURE, 2024. – Р. 56.2710-463X methods of homomorphic encryption are considered. Homomorphic encryption schemes are analyzed according to the type and complexity of operations they support. Homomorphic encryption schemes based on lattice problems, such as the BGV scheme and the CKKS scheme, are analyzed. These schemes are believed to be resistant to both classical and quantum attacks.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalHomomorphic EncryptionPHESHEFHEquantum attackmachine learningAnalysis of Homomorphic Encryption AlgorithmsThesis