Barannik, Vlad.Parkhomenko, M.Gurzhii, P.Azatov, A.Shaikhanova, A.Tupytsya, I.Karpiinski, M.Pershin, A.2021-06-172021-06-172020The concept of a quantitative sign formation for the internal restructuring of information resource data / V. Barannik, M. Parkhomenko, A. Azatov, I.Tupytsya, A. Pershin, P. Gurzhii, A. Shaikhanova, M. Karpiinski // In: Monogrpah Przetwarzanie, transmisja i bezpieczeństwo informacji'2020 / Springer, 2020. – pp.41-52.978-83-66249-55-4 steps to develop a method of forming a compact representation of the segmented images based on the detection of the two-component vector of tuples for linearized transformant. Dependencies for bit rates are compared in the case of processing the key frames of a saturated image stream using various compression methods. Identified modes that achieved delivery of the video stream in real time.envideo informationcoding vectors tuplesThe concept of a quantitative sign formation for the internal restructuring of information resource dataBook chapter