Lyashenko, V.Lyubchenko, V.Mohammad, A.2018-06-222018-06-222015Lyashenko V., Lyubchenko V., Mohammad A. Computing Features of Elementary Projective Orthogonal Transformations of an Image // International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies. – 2015. – Vol. 3(8). – P. 176-182.2321-7782 is considered the problem of normalization of images which arises at processing and analysis of pictures of visual perception of images of the real world. There are investigated features of elementary projective orthogonal transformations of an image for the purpose of possibility of their use in normalization problems. Specificity of computing aspects of application of the elementary projective orthogonal transformations for normalization of images is shown. The conclusion is drawn on necessity of correct use of projective orthogonal transformations for procedures of normalization of images.ennormalizationprojective geometryComputing Features of Elementary Projective Orthogonal Transformations of an ImageArticle