Лемешко, О. В.Єременко, О. С.2016-09-062016-09-062016http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/2147Dynamic presentation of tensor model for multipath routing with QoS guarantees over the multiple parameters proposed. Expressions for different queuing systems modeling state of the network router interface used for representing the average packet delay as time-varying function. Conditions of ensuring QoS for the set of parameters as packet transmission rate and average delay obtained. The novelty of the model is that the network metric is a function of time, and takes into account that the average queue length and the average delay take their limit values after convergence time.enТелекоммуникацииmultipath routingquality of serviceflowbased modeltensor modelDynamic Presentation of Tensor Model for Multipath QoS-RoutingConference proceedings