Андрущенко, Н.2023-01-162023-01-162022Андрущенко Н. Новые европартии и их роль в политической жизни Европы / Н. Андрущенко // Радіоелектроніка та молодь у ХХI столітті : матеріалы 26-го Міжнар. молод. форуму, 19–21 квітня 2022 р. – Харків : ХНУРЕ, 2022. – Т. 9. – С. 53–54.https://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/21400The article deals with the problems of transformation of European political parties in the context of globalization and digitalization of social and political life. From elite political clubs, they turned first into mass ideological parties, and then into cartel parties and even all-inclusive ones. On the one hand, these processes led to the erosion of the traditional ideological foundations of the political parties themselves and their social base. On the other hand, they contributed to their transformation into some kind of electoral machines, the purpose of which is to win the largest share of the political market.otherновые европартииНовые европартии и их роль в политической жизни ЕвропыConference proceedings