Gurieva, N.López María Fernanda Preciado, María Fernanda Preciado2022-08-102022-08-102017Gurieva N., López M. F. P. Audiovisual production and creativity // Полиграфические, мультимедийные и web-технологии: тезисы докладов 2-й Международной научно-технической конференции, 16-22 мая 2017. – Харьков: ХНУРЭ, 2017. – Т.1. – С. 62-64. aim of the following investigation is to respond to the needs of innovat ion and experimentation, using new forms of construction and transmission of audiovisual information – using creativity. These needs are especially true at a time when technological development is setting new trends, consumer habits, involves into relations with media and the Internet.enmediainternetAudiovisual production and creativityConference proceedings