Хлебников, А. С.Козлова, А. С.2017-11-102017-11-102011Сегментации текстурных изображений методом треугольной пирамидыhttp://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/4083This present thesis is devoted to the research of textural images segmentation. It has been suggested to use fractal analysis to solve the problem of textural images segmentation. The method of the triangular pyramid has been applied. This method sets the correlation between the surface area created by the brightness of the image and the spatial resolution of two-dimensional units used for measurement of this area. This characteristic is used for calculation of the fractal dimension.текстурное изображениесегментация изображенийСегментации текстурных изображений методом треугольной пирамидыArticle